
One More Day

One More Day

Malgorzata (Maggie) is 50 years old. She was born with a condition called muscular dystrophy. A few years ago she stopped even moving her fingers altogether. Teamed up with Krystian (Chris), her life partner and a motorbikes lover, she sets out on a journey of a lifetime during which they try their best to slowly tame the inevitably oncoming death.

Nataly Fish

One More Day

One More Day

Raquel Ferguson, is an up and coming photographer and single mother to a 15 year old daughter. As her business grows, it causes more strain on the relationship between them, and is an echo of her strained relationship with her own mother.

Nataly Fish

Une journée de plus

Une journée de plus

Un playboy tombe amoureux d'une magnifique jeune femme qu'il croise tous les jours dans le tramway et décide de la suivre aux États-Unis lorsqu'elle y emménage.

Nataly Fish

Mitch Albom's For One More Day

Mitch Albom's For One More Day

While back in his hometown, a suicidal former baseball player encounters the spirit of his deceased mother, who takes him on a sentimental tour meant to restore his love of life.

Nataly Fish

Before One More Day

Before One More Day

One family suffers from the death of their mother and wife. Amid the suffering, each one seeks a way to deal with the loss and Mariana, the eldest daughter, tries to pick up the remaining pieces of her family.

Nataly Fish

One More Day

One More Day

A boy is haunted by voices in his head that tell him to do things he doesn't want to.

Nataly Fish

One More Day

One More Day

It’s an ordinary day. He cleans the same airport terminal, but suddenly, something forces him to change his everyday routine. He leaves the airport and hurries up to the house where a single woman and her daughter live. He makes them trust him quickly by persuading them that he has come to help. So the woman lets him enter her house. The stranger..

Nataly Fish

One More Day

One More Day

A 21-year-old single mother fights every day to raise her 5-year-old daughter. The lack of financial resources is her great obstacle. An unexpected appointment with Child Protection will change her future and that of her daughter.

Nataly Fish

Un jour de plus

Un jour de plus

Les hommes ont déserté Paris depuis un an. Dans cet environnement désolé, quelques survivants errent dans ses ruines à la recherche de nourriture. Parmi eux, un couple tente par tous les moyens de subsister et de prendre contact avec d’autres rescapés.

Nataly Fish

For One More Day

For One More Day

A group of young people having a dinner together, during which they shared their personal experiences and played them out through a game.

Nataly Fish

Un jour de plus

Un jour de plus

A Téhéran, à l'aube du troisième millénaire, un homme et une femme se rencontrent quotidiennement à un arrêt d'autobus. Il s'y retrouvent pour faire un bout de chemin ensemble et essayer de vivre une histoire d'amour à l'abri des regards indiscrets. Cet homme, prisonnier bénéficiant de permissions journalières exceptionnelles, tente de ..

Nataly Fish

One Day More or Less

One Day More or Less

Baradla Géza, war criminal, returns after 25 years, with his ex-accomplice, Obrád Simon, to the village where he burned houses with people inside and executed partisans. The ex squad-leader is chased to this place by his "heroic deed" and the memory of his love. Like a maniac, he wants to forgive the village residents for having killed six of his..

Nataly Fish

One more day

One more day

"One more day" is a poetic film story about Grandma Smilja, the raven and the freezer.

Nataly Fish

One More Day... To Survive

One More Day... To Survive

At the invitation of his friend, the famous photographer Victor arrives in Almaty from Spain. He plans to take photos for a new exhibition and go snowboarding. At sunset, when a Spaniard is photographing the mountains, he is hit by a skier at high speed. Victor falls into a gorge, into which an avalanche descends.

Nataly Fish

Un día más

Un día más

A female teacher from Leon travels to Madrid to take an exam, the result of which will determine whether she returns to her ordinary life or takes up a new one.

Nataly Fish



A young hairdresser enters into the modeling world while fearing retaliation from her puritanical mother and stalker ex-boyfriend.

Nataly Fish

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