
No Place to Go

No Place to Go

Starry-eyed heiress Mary Astor yearns for a "cave man" who will treat her rough and make her like it.

Nataly Fish

No Place To Go

No Place To Go

Foreign - The rejects of society live in a dark alley in Hong Kong's seediest district. When An, the latest person with no place to go, is left dying in the alley, he is saved by the street's residents. As An recovers, he begins to understand the value of his life.

Nataly Fish

No Place to Go

No Place to Go

An elderly war veteran feels lonely and unwanted while living with his son and daughter-in-law, but he learns his life still has purpose when he befriends a neighborhood child with a troubled family life.

Nataly Fish

No Place to Go

No Place to Go

Michiko used to work as a live-in part-timer at an izakaya, but suddenly lost her job and her house at the same time due to COVID-19 pandemic. There are no new jobs because of the COVID-19 pandemic, and diners and internet cafes are closed. Michiko is at her wits' end, but there in front of her is a bus stop that stands slightly brightly in the dar..

Nataly Fish

No Place to Go

No Place to Go

Flanders, a famous female author, travels in 1989 after the fall of the Berlin wall into the German capital. She is deeply depressed by the events because she saw the communist state as a very good thing that has now ended. In the joy of these days she finds no one to understand her, so she has to travel back to Munich. After meeting several people..

Nataly Fish

Les Valseuses

Les Valseuses

Jean-Claude et Pierrot, deux loubards blagueurs, féroces et désœuvrés, passent leur temps à bousculer et à chahuter leurs contemporains. Ils prennent un malin plaisir à commettre toutes sortes de petits délits, qui vont du vol à la tire sur un parking de supermarché à celui de voitures. Ce soir-là, c'est précisément celle du coiffeur ..

Nataly Fish

Mad Mission 3

Mad Mission 3

Un monte-en-l'air est poursuivi par la mafia pour avoir dérobé une pierre précieuse de grande valeur. Il se retrouve obligé d'aider la police pour se débarrasser des gangsters qui le poursuivent.

Nataly Fish

Mad Mission

Mad Mission

Sam, alias Gant blanc vole des diamants à la mafia. Langue Chaude et Kody Jack, un inspecteur gaffeur new-yorkais sont chargés de l'enquète. Sam doit faire équipe avec la police afin d'échapper à la mafia.

Nataly Fish

Le Flic de Hong Kong 3

Le Flic de Hong Kong 3

On propose aux fameux Lucky Stars une nouvelle mission, plus dangereuse, en enquêtant sur une mystérieuse affaire de trafic d’armes entre deux gangs. Mais toute l’équipe ne rempile pas, et de nouveaux membres vont être recrutés…

Nataly Fish

Mad mission 2 - Les robots

Mad mission 2 - Les robots

Un assassin appelé Filthy Harry est embauché par une silhouette louche et chargé de tuer les héros. Les deux hommes sont encadrés deux fois pour des vols différents par la nouvelle petite amie de King Kong, presque engagés dans un hôpital psychiatrique par leur patron sournois, et contraints de combattre le robot chargé d'armes de Filthy H..

Nataly Fish

Mad Mission 5

Mad Mission 5

Sam se bat cette fois-ci contre quatre lascars essayant de récupérer une épée ancestrale, dérobée par un gang de voleurs d'objets d'art.

Nataly Fish

A Good Mind Grows in Thorny Places

A Good Mind Grows in Thorny Places

Adam is a twelve-year-old boy living in the Slovak countryside. He is a local lumberjack and also has various odd jobs. Basically, he likes to do everything. Although life is not easy, he can see beauty everywhere.

Nataly Fish

Mad Mission 4 : Rien ne sert de mourir

Mad Mission 4 : Rien ne sert de mourir

Un professeur invente un systeme capable de transformer, par stimulation de l'esprit, n'importe qui en superman. Mais son assistant le trahit...Sam est à la poursuite de gangsters ayant kidnappé un savant fou, découvreur d'un cristal donnant une force surhumaine.fren

Nataly Fish

La place est bonne !

La place est bonne !

A maid applies to a good position at the Dutilleul's, but she wouldn't know how good it was to be until people starts taking her for the lady of the house...

Nataly Fish

Mad mission 6 - new mad mission

Mad mission 6 - new mad mission

à la mort de son père -qui n'a pas supporté de perdre au poker, au point de faire un arrêt cardiaque- le peu combatif Ho Sik hérite de sa place à la tête d'un clan mafieux -promotion qui ne l'enchante guère. Il est également mis en demeure, par le reste de la famille, d'abattre lui-même la femme responsable du décès de son père. Charg�..

Nataly Fish

Shall We Go to My Place or Your Place or Each Go Home Alone?

Shall We Go to My Place or Your Place or Each Go Home Alone?

Arne, Calle, and Gunnar are friends, probably in their twenties. One telephones the others, and they decide to visit a nightclub. They hope to meet women and have sex. After they arrive at the club, each man meets with a certain degree of success or failure. Calle particularly is frustrated, for no woman agrees to dance with him. Meanwhile, Arne an..

Nataly Fish

Kamen Rider Gotchard: What's That?! Houtaro and Rinne Switched Places!!

Kamen Rider Gotchard: What's That?! Houtaro and Rinne Switched Places!!

In this special, Houtaro and Rinne swapped bodies! In order to return to their original bodies, they need to a complete mission given to them by Firemars and Inphoenix! To help them, both Professor Minato and Supana are acting differently?! The special will also feature the debut of Kamen Rider Gotchard MarsPhoenix!

Nataly Fish

Place of Gorenstein

Place of Gorenstein

The main thing for a real writer and his readers is texts. A biography is a less significant thing. Most readers of Don Quixote do not know the biography of Cervantes and do not particularly need it. But sometimes the biography of a writer can become an explanation for the incident of a genius who turned out to be unnecessary or unidentified, unrec..

Nataly Fish

A Good Place

A Good Place

Margarita and Güte live in an unhealthy and stagnant environment that they can neither leave nor change. Meanwhile, the radio broadcasts messages and the world awaits the launch of the spacecraft that will take humans to the edge of the solar system. When Maria falls ill, Margarita persuades Güte to do something, but they fail and become separate..

Nataly Fish

Places That Do Not Exist (Goggle Earth 1.0)

Places That Do Not Exist (Goggle Earth 1.0)

The project Places that do not Exist (Goggle Earth 1.0) consists of a series of portraits and films of places which do not appear on Google Earth, which we travelled to in order to document their true appearance through vid- eos and photographs, which in the installation were then contrasted with the false vision which we see on Google Earth. These..

Nataly Fish

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