
Ninja Terminator

Ninja Terminator

Les membres d'un empire ninja sont en possession d'un objet de pouvoir composé de trois pièces individuelles d'une sculpture ninja qui, une fois combinées, rend les bras du propriétaire imperméables aux lames. D'autres ninjas pensent que l'empire ninja a besoin d'être réformé et de voler deux des trois sculptures. L'empire ninja riposte ave..

Nataly Fish

The Russian Ninja

The Russian Ninja

An ex-mercenary is enlisted back into the life to rescue the boyfriend of the daughter of a powerful mogul.

Nataly Fish

Ninja of the Magnificence

Ninja of the Magnificence

Ross, Farris and Lee are star pupils of the Ninja Master, but Ross is secretly building his own ninja empire and dealing in the slave trade, headed by two slave masters Old Fox and Kong. When Ross kills the master, the two brothers must battle their way through an army of ninjas to bring the wrongdoers to justice.

Nataly Fish

Black List

Black List

Two brothers, one wrongly accused of a crime, go on a mission of vengeance to find the men who framed him.

Nataly Fish

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