
Night and Day

Night and Day

Une jeune femme se retrouve mêlée à un espion en disgrâce qui essaie de rétablir sa réputation.

Nataly Fish

Nuit et Jour

Nuit et Jour

La vie du compositeur américain Cole Porter, depuis ses années à Yale dans les années 10 jusqu'à son apogée durant les années 40.

Nataly Fish

Night and Day

Night and Day

Sung-nam, un jeune peintre coréen, doit, pour échapper à une arrestation fuir son pays. Il s'envole pour Paris et trouve refuge dans une pension du 14e arrondissement appartenant à un coréen. D'abord un peu perdu dans ce pays qui lui est inconnu, et souffrant de l'absence de sa femme, il traine dans les rues de Paris. Mais, il s'acclimate prog..

Nataly Fish

All Day and a Night

All Day and a Night

L'histoire d'un jeune criminel qui, arrivant en prison, repense alors aux jours précédant son arrestation et à son enfance, essayant de trouver des raisons pour aller de l'avant et survivre à son incarcération. Le récit du film croisera trois récits / histoires en une.

Nataly Fish

Night and Day

Night and Day

To celebrate Arena's 40th anniversary, a new film made entirely from its own archive, evoking the one experience common to all - the 24-hour cycle from dawn to dusk to dawn again.

Nataly Fish

Night and Day

Night and Day

A young woman tries to hold it together during a tense and unpredictable evening with her brother and estranged husband.

Nataly Fish

Night and Day

Night and Day

Being trapped in the United States and self-isolated, I had a video chat with my family in China. Back in January, I shot a roll of film recording the sunset at Santa Monica beach, and rewatching it now, I decided to prolong the dusk as an attempt to erase the decisive boundary which separates night and day.

Nataly Fish

Night and Day

Night and Day

On the streets of Jakarta, an impulsive, small-time con swindles a big-time aristocrat out of house and home at risk of abandonment by his only brother.

Nataly Fish

Night and Day

Night and Day

Three recovering heroin addicts try to make a new start.

Nataly Fish

Night and Day

Night and Day

Based on Virginia Woolf’s novel, an unromantic comedy about a passionate astronomer who does everything she can to avoid romantic love and marriage. The story of Katharine’s bold challenge to the Edwardian patriarchy is set against the backdrop of the suffragette movement and advances in science and technology, at the turn of the 20th century.

Nataly Fish

Only Day and Night

Only Day and Night

A pandemic, a time of hard lockdown, when contact with other people is severely limited. The most common means of communication are online conversations, which the director uses to talk to people who, like him, are stuck alone in their apartments.

Nataly Fish

Through Night and Day

Through Night and Day

It follows Ben and Jen whose relationship is put to test as they embark on a trip of a lifetime to Jen's lifelong dream destination Iceland.

Nataly Fish

Schiller: Day and Night Live

Schiller: Day and Night Live

120 minutes Schiller live from Germany - a unique audio-visual experience in award-winning surround sound. The concert is the same that is on Tagtraum DVD.

Nataly Fish

Day and Night

Day and Night

Kain, a young rock musician, is on his way from an "insider tip" to an acknowledged newcomer. Even though he often has to work at night, he leads a more or less settled life until he meets Nina. Nina, who is blind from birth, works as a switchboard operator at the post office. Her life as well is settled, and more so than for Kain the order in her ..

Nataly Fish



DAY AND NIGHT was photographed with a still-camera with close-up attachment. Two close images were taken, with the subject -a heather plant- on a turning platform. The heather blossoms are tiny, on average less than 1/8 inch in size. Color was augmented and transformed via computer. Movement was computer-created by way of an editing-formula of my i..

Nataly Fish

Day and Night

Day and Night

"Day and Night" is an omnibus release by William Kwok-Wai of 3 short films consisting of 3 Malaysian filmmakers Ho Yuhang, Charlotte Lim and Yeo Joon Han, reflecting their personal feelings about the health of Malaysian society. "TRESPASSED" by Ho Yuhang is about a girl who misses her father slowly becomes entirely possessed by grief. It seems as i..

Nataly Fish

Black and White, Day and Night

Black and White, Day and Night

"A 'drawn' film, with images that are constantly changing, drawings of landscapes that keep escaping, traces of faces, everything is almost what it is but never stays that way. The soundtrack punches out a wild monotone of dirty, nonsense limericks to the accompaniment of hand-drawn images related only in their complementary rhythm." -- David Holms..

Nataly Fish

What Makes Day and Night

What Makes Day and Night

This 1940’s artifact is coupled with music by Nino Rota to expose the existential skeleton in the closet: our perilous journey on the planet Earth. A readymade film with the barest of interventions.

Nataly Fish

Your Every Day and Night

Your Every Day and Night

A man emerges from the dark water of a muddy pond. Lost and confused, he faints on the shore. When he wakes up, a mysterious figure takes him back in time to where it all began.

Nataly Fish

Day and Night

Day and Night

A man suicides causing ruin for his family, reasons are unknown, but his son will decide to take revenge after a succesion of events.

Nataly Fish

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