
Night Call

Night Call

Branché sur les fréquences radios de la police, Lou parcourt Los Angeles la nuit à la recherche d’images choc qu’il vend à prix d’or aux chaînes de TV locales. La course au spectaculaire n'aura aucune limite...

Nataly Fish

Night Caller

Night Caller

Après l'appel d'un homme très perturbé, la médium Clementine Carter a la vision d'un meurtre atroce. Persuadée que son correspondant est un tueur, elle contacte la police, mais sa déclaration n'est pas prise au sérieux. L'inconnu la rappelle à plusieurs reprises, déclenchant à chaque fois de nouvelles visions.

Nataly Fish

Night Caller

Night Caller

Nataly Fish

Night Caller

Night Caller

One hundred years after the third world war has occurred there are only two groups of people left: The savages whose minds have been destroyed by damaged genes passed on for a century and the intellectuals who totally live in their minds. However, survivor Nathan is an odd blend of the two opposing factions. Nathan takes revenge on the savages afte..

Nataly Fish

The Night Caller

The Night Caller

For 11 years, Beth's life is limited to working nights in a convenience store while her daytime hours are spent caring for her bed-ridden, bitter and abusive mother. All that keeps her going is a voice on the radio of a psychologist, Dr Roland. Her obsession grows to the point where nothing, not even murder, will stop her from getting to the woman ..

Nataly Fish

The Night Caller

The Night Caller

L'atterrissage d'un mystérieux objet extra-terrestre est surveillé de près par l'armée. Est-il possible que son arrivée soit liée à des disparitions étonnantes de certaines jeunes filles ? Les scientifiques et la police combinent leurs efforts pour trouver la réponse...

Nataly Fish

The Secret Night Caller

The Secret Night Caller

A man who is the pillar of his community has a secret - he has a compulsion to make obscene telephone calls.

Nataly Fish

Night Caller

Night Caller

A family guy cop (Melvin Wong) goes deep into a case and gets involved with a deranged killer. His partner and friend (Philip Chan) along with a new protégé Porky (Pat Ha) take over the case and look for his missing partner (who's "enjoying" the twisted company of the killer. Can Inspector Chan and Porky find Melvin before he becomes the latest v..

Nataly Fish

Manson Kilmore: The Night Caller of Coal Miners Holler Part1: Deadly Secrets

Manson Kilmore: The Night Caller of Coal Miners Holler Part1: Deadly Secrets

In 1975 a series of bloody murders were taking place in a small SW Virginia coal mining town and a section of the town known as coal miners holler.

Nataly Fish

Manson Kilmore: The Night Caller of Coal Miners Holler Part 2 - Payback Is Hell

Manson Kilmore: The Night Caller of Coal Miners Holler Part 2 - Payback Is Hell

Thirty years after the murder of Manson Kilmore, the town of Coal Miners Gap have a new series of murders. The question is, is the killer human or something more? And what is the connection to Manson Kilmore and the deaths in 1975?

Nataly Fish

The Demon

The Demon

Random people are terrorized by a malevolent man who brings their worst fears to life.

Nataly Fish

South Beach

South Beach

Un ancien flic coriace et star de football américain se retrouve en difficulté et demande à ses anciens coéquipiers de l'aider.

Nataly Fish

Peur sur la ville

Peur sur la ville

Le commissaire Letellier a vu sa carrière brisée par le truand Marcucci, à l'issue d'un braquage qui a mal tourné. Muté dans un commissariat terne, il continue à chercher la trace de son ennemi. Au moment où Letellier apprend enfin le retour du braqueur à Paris, un mystérieux tueur terrorise la capitale. Il se fait appeler Minos, par réf�..

Nataly Fish

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