
Never Back Down 3 - No Surrender

Never Back Down 3 - No Surrender

L’ancien champion de MMA Case Walker garde un profil bas, en gagnant des petits combats régionaux et en refusant de participer à des ligues puissantes qui poussent leurs athlètes vers la prise de drogues pour améliorer leurs performances. Néanmoins, Walker est convaincu par un ancien ami, Brody James, de le suivre en Thaïlande et de l’ent..

Nataly Fish

Never Surrender

Never Surrender

Un champion de MMA décide de participer à des combats de freefight underground où la seule issue est de tuer son adversaire. Conscient qu'il joue sa vie, il peut plus reculer...

Nataly Fish

Never Surrender

Never Surrender

Directed by Daniel Lusko.

Nataly Fish

Never Surrender: A Galaxy Quest Documentary

Never Surrender: A Galaxy Quest Documentary

Un long métrage documentaire sur le film "Galaxy Quest" et son héritage, célébrant son 20ème anniversaire.

Nataly Fish

Never Surrender: The Ed Ramsey Story

Never Surrender: The Ed Ramsey Story

Ramsey...found himself in charge of the elite 26th Calvary Regiment in the Philippines, where he was leading a 'Gunga Din'-type existence playing polo with other officers until Japanese troops marched through Manila. He subsequently led his storied offensive in the Philippine jungle, and in 1942 he joined the Filipino resistance, ultimately command..

Nataly Fish

Michael Jackson: Never Surrender

Michael Jackson: Never Surrender

This DVD tells the full story of Michael Jackson from his entry into show-business through his brilliant career to date as a performer of extraordinary talent. Featuring previously unseen film footage, rare and exclusive interviews, contributions from those who have known him best and the finest broadcasters and journalists in the business, plus ne..

Nataly Fish

The Olsen Gang Never Surrenders

The Olsen Gang Never Surrenders

Egon plans to exploit knowledge gained during his latest term of incarceration. By stealing the unmanipulated financial records of DanInvest he obtains the majority of the stocks in the department store Magasin du Nord, just in time for their closing sale. The attempt to get the red suitcase that will save the day they rob the main vault at the EEC..

Nataly Fish

Eternity Never Surrendered

Eternity Never Surrendered

A portrait of the intimate battles of two women awaiting their missing ones. Two distant stories, that of Liliana - who lost her husband to organised crime in 2010 - and that of Alicia - whose mother disappeared to the Mexican State in the Dirty War, are shown in this documentary to showcase the conflicts of memory and the daily struggle of both wo..

Nataly Fish

La Prison des sévices

La Prison des sévices

Une jolie cascadeuse se fait mettre en prison pour venger le meurtre de sa sœur.

Nataly Fish

Les bourreaux meurent aussi

Les bourreaux meurent aussi

Dans Prague, au début des années 40, le professeurdu Reich Heydrich - surnommé « Le Bourreau » - vient de décréter de nouvelles mesures de terreur quand le Docteur Svoboda, membre d’un réseau de résistance tchèque , tente de l’assassiner. Menacé par le couvre-feu, ce dernier finit par se réfugier chez la famille du professeur Novo..

Nataly Fish

Submarine I-57 Will Not Surrender

Submarine I-57 Will Not Surrender

In World War II, the commanding officer of a sub, against his will takes on board two Western diplomats, to take them to the Canaries and arrange an armistice. When they get there, peace has been declared, but the sub's crew don't know as their radio has failed. They send their passengers ashore and go out to face a final battle...

Nataly Fish

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