


In 2002, an introverted young man falls in love on a beta-test dating site only for the young woman to abruptly stop talking to him. He sets to find out why.

Nataly Fish



Teens out for a night of fun get more than they bargained for, after tasking a homeless man to purchase them some beer, leading to a fateful decision. Two detectives, one which is approaching retirement, investigate a hit and run crime. Told non-linearly with interweaving story lines, Neapolitan blends 80's teen movies, episodes of Dragnet '68, Dav..

Nataly Fish

Tom et Jerry à Naples

Tom et Jerry à Naples

Une souris italienne fait visiter la ville de Naples à Tom et Jerry...

Nataly Fish

Too Neapolitan

Too Neapolitan

When Debora's ex-husband, a popular neomelodic singer, loses his life in a stage dive, she worries that her 11-year-old son Ciro may be showing symptoms of depression. Taken to a child psychologist, shy Tommaso, Ciro eventually confesses to him that it's not his father's death that has got him down, it's love for his classmate, the cute Ludovica. T..

Nataly Fish

Neapolitan Turk

Neapolitan Turk

Un petit criminel napolitain nommé Don Felice prétend être un eunuque turc. Felice est un fraudeur et un coureur de jupons qui s'est échappé...

Nataly Fish

Le carrousel fantastique

Le carrousel fantastique

Music, ballet, folk dances and mime eliciting the spirit of Naples across the ages are loosely tied together by the comedic wanderings and exploits of the Esposito family.

Nataly Fish

Un Napolitain à New York

Un Napolitain à New York

Coincé à New York et trop pauvre pour rentrer à Naples, un jeune homme roublard magouille avec un ami américain pour trouver gloire et fortune... et un vol pour l'Italie.

Nataly Fish

Death of a Neapolitan Mathematician

Death of a Neapolitan Mathematician

Naples, 1959. Pure Mathematics professor Renato Caccioppoli, Bakunin's grandson, is a tortured soul. Recently discharged from the psychiatric hospital, left by his wife, and increasingly disillusioned with academia and the Communist Party, he lives his last days with painful detachment.

Nataly Fish

Neapolitanische Hochzeit

Neapolitanische Hochzeit

Nataly Fish

Homo Urbanus Neapolitanus

Homo Urbanus Neapolitanus

This work is a long-term research project developed until now in 10 different cities over the world: Seoul, Bogota, Naples, Saint-Petersburg, Rabat, Tokyo, Kyoto, Shanghai, Doha and Venice. Born as an artistic commission for the Agora Biennale in Bordeaux around the theme of the moving landscapes, these videos plunge into cities in a spontaneous a..

Nataly Fish

Neapolitan Dance at the Ancient Forum of Pompeii

Neapolitan Dance at the Ancient Forum of Pompeii

A folk dance staged in the ruins of Pompeii. With the Arch of Tiberius in the near distance and Arch of Caligula in far distance. A troop of soldiers, or possibly more performers, march past. W K L Dickson who is directing the action can apparently be seen on far right of picture.

Nataly Fish

Neapolitan Story

Neapolitan Story

The last wish of Vito Fonseca dying is to be buried in his native Naples. And so it is. When the young and beautiful wife Fanny arrives in Naples, she discovers that her husband had a son, Ferdinando, a wife and a villa of which he is the sole heir.

Nataly Fish

Neapolitan Arrangement

Neapolitan Arrangement

Sara, a flight attendant in her thirties, takes desperate measures when she starts to believe her ex-boyfriend might kidnap her son.

Nataly Fish

Beware of Those Two Neapolitans

Beware of Those Two Neapolitans

A gang of saboteurs is trying to stop NATO's Zodiac missile project.

Nataly Fish

Neapolitan Diary

Neapolitan Diary

A screening of the 30 year old Hands Over The City at the School of Architecture in Naples is the occasion for a debate among youth, historians, politicos, industrialists, environmentalists.

Nataly Fish

Neapolitan Heart

Neapolitan Heart

Through archival footage and contemporary interviews, this film traces the origins of the classic Neapolitan song.

Nataly Fish

Neapolitan Songs

Neapolitan Songs

A mixture of abstract images and, as if out of a Man Ray painting, a large mouth in the foreground with red lipstick slowly devours a raw liver and then goes on to eat a postcard. Meanwhile, romantic Neapolitan songs play in the background. As Andrea Giunta says: At the same time they function as a hyperbole of the feminine in a register impregnate..

Nataly Fish



John Turturro tells, shooting alleys and testimonies of real neapolitan people, the history and musical culture of Napoli, attending every event and tale with a song.

Nataly Fish

Mélodie Meurtrière

Mélodie Meurtrière

Naples : Raffaele, un musicien de café, est cajolé pour interpréter une sérénade nocturne à l'extérieur d'un immeuble. Cependant, son jeu de mandoline est brutalement interrompu par des coups de feu et un homme jamaïcain qui tombe d'une fenêtre au-dessus. Un personnage du camp est également éjecté d'une fenêtre et Raffaele est contrain..

Nataly Fish

The Kingdom of Naples

The Kingdom of Naples

Trente ans d'histoire napolitaine (entre 1942 et 1972) à travers les vicissitudes des familles Cavioli et Pagano.

Nataly Fish

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