
Nicky Larson, City Hunter : Goodbye My Sweetheart

Nicky Larson, City Hunter : Goodbye My Sweetheart

Saeko Nogami tente d'appréhender un suspect connu sous le nom de « Professeur », un dangereux criminel adepte du Black Talon, une arme aussi dangereuse qu'efficace, mais ce dernier parvient à lui échapper. Peu de temps après, la jeune vedette Miss Emi fait appel aux services de City Hunter pour retrouver son frère disparu il y a de cela trei..

Nataly Fish

My Suicidal Sweetheart

My Suicidal Sweetheart

A suicidal comedy about two young lovers who get married and escape from a mental institution in search of new ways to die...and the white light.

Nataly Fish

my plastic sweetheart

my plastic sweetheart

A bunny girl, who was having a mundane life, finds an ad on her phone that says they can make you ‘fall in love in a second.’ She gets curious and decides to try their free trial. Soon, just as she read in the ad, she bumps into a good-looking guy, and falls into a romantic relationship...

Nataly Fish

My Sweetheart

My Sweetheart

It had been a year and four months since Mitsuo was last on a movie set. Welcomed back by director Ishizaki and his film crew, Mitsuo is excited to star as the lead in "My Sweetheart". One day, half way through production, he meets his friends from a popular rock group, "The Spiders". Through their discussion regarding the climax scene, they critic..

Nataly Fish

Murder My Sweetheart: The Killing of Dolores McCrea

Murder My Sweetheart: The Killing of Dolores McCrea

One freezing night in January 2004, Dolores McCrea left her home and never came back. Police later found her car, but that was where the trail ended. The investigation led to the door of estranged husband Gary.

Nataly Fish

Mon amoureux

Mon amoureux

Laurie loves Romain and thinks they should have sex with each other. It is not allowed on their group accommodation, but Laurie has a plan for the weekend.

Nataly Fish

My Kung Fu Sweetheart

My Kung Fu Sweetheart

A young woman keeps her true persona a secret in this martial arts action-romance written and directed by Jing Wong

Nataly Fish

My Old Sweetheart

My Old Sweetheart

A 36-year old detective falls in love with a nihilistic 19-year old shop-lifter and wonders if the relationship which develops can last.

Nataly Fish

My Sweetheart Is Getting Married

My Sweetheart Is Getting Married

Ten years after signing up as an army nurse, a woman returns to her village with a son in tow. Because she has no proof that she was ever married, the conservative village folk shun her.

Nataly Fish

My Scary Girl

My Scary Girl

Dae-woo, un professeur d'anglais timide qui n'a jamais eu de petite amie, rencontre une femme mystérieuse, mais charmante : Mi-na. Il lui demande alors maladroitement un rendez-vous, et à sa grande surprise, elle accepte. Ils tombent amoureux, mais Dae-woo découvre certaines choses inquiétantes sur elle. Bien qu'elle prétende être une artiste..

Nataly Fish

Un Noël d'amour et d'amitié

Un Noël d'amour et d'amitié

Tout va bien pour Ashley : son agence d'événementiel fonctionne bien et elle travaille avec Liam, son meilleur ami. Les fêtes de fin d'année approchent et, après avoir vu que Grant, son amour de jeunesse, est dans leur ville natale, Ashley part là-bas dans l'espoir de le croiser et, qui sait, de renouer avec lui. Pourtant, les choses ne vont ..

Nataly Fish

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