


An art film produced using 'Darwinian' evolution with artist controlled aesthetic selection. Artificial life rules define the processes of mutation, breeding, birth, growth and decay to generate an imagery evolution of a complex three dimensional structure.

Nataly Fish



“The changing dots, ectoplasmic shapes and electronic music of L. Schwartz’s ‘Mutations’ which has been shot with the aid of computers and lasers, makes for an eye-catching view of the potentials of the new techniques.” – A. H. Weiler, N. Y. Times

Nataly Fish



Suite à une série de décès étranges survenus dans une petite ville des États-Unis, Mike Brady, agent des services sanitaires, est envoyé sur place afin d'épauler le shérif local dans son enquête.

Nataly Fish



A Londres, le professeur Nolter avance des théories audacieuses. Il est convaincu qu'en manipulant les structures de l'ADN, on peut obtenir des êtres mêlant des caractéristiques animales et végétales. En secret, il mène de terribles expériences dans ce sens. Lynch, un homme défiguré travaillant dans un cirque, kidnappe des passants, lesqu..

Nataly Fish

Danger Mutations

Danger Mutations

A la suite d'une terrible guerre bactériologique, les habitants de la planète sont victimes d'horribles mutations. Seul David, un jeune chercheur, est en mesure de trouver le vaccin. Mais il se retrouvera confronté à de terribles mutants. Lors de cet étrange périple, il rencontrera Ariel. Celle-ci attend un enfant...

Nataly Fish

The Kindred - Mutation Génétique

The Kindred - Mutation Génétique

Amanda demande à son fils John avant de mourir que celui-ci se rende à son laboratoire pour détruire toutes les notes sur ses dernières expériences et tout ce qui concerne son "frère" que John n'a jamais connu. Mais le collaborateur d'Amanda ne l'entend pas de cette oreille...

Nataly Fish

Alligator 2 - The Mutation

Alligator 2 - The Mutation

Victime des déchets toxiques déversés dans son marécage, un alligator mutant, devenu géant, s'attaque aux habitants de la petite ville voisine en passant par les égouts. Personne ne croyant les rares témoins ayant aperçu le monstre, les meurtres se multiplient. Une scientifique et un flic mènent l'enquête...

Nataly Fish

Viral: Antisemitism in Four Mutations

Viral: Antisemitism in Four Mutations

Antisemitism in the US and Europe is spreading and is seemingly unstoppable. Andrew Goldberg examines its rise traveling through four countries to follow antisemitism and their victims, along with experts, politicians and locals.

Nataly Fish

Broken Army X: Fatal Mutations

Broken Army X: Fatal Mutations

In the early years of the Republic of China, Xiao Jian was arrested on patrol, a boy who dreamed of becoming the number one detective in Shanghai. During the investigation of a series of mysterious cases, he accidentally touched on their so-called control incidents. He became a member of the Special Investigation Bureau inexplicably. A series of th..

Nataly Fish

Brutal Bigfoot Encounters: Mutations and Mutilations

Brutal Bigfoot Encounters: Mutations and Mutilations

A Bigfoot expedition team finds more than the legendary monster when investigating the disappearance of a hiker and the mutilation of a couple deep in the remote Arkansas countryside.

Nataly Fish

Tyrany and Mutations

Tyrany and Mutations

The subject: the self and the super-Self.

Nataly Fish

Mutation on Mars

Mutation on Mars

In the near future, the Earth’s resources are gradually getting scarce. In order to continue the hope of survival for generations of children and grandchildren, top scientists from various countries have brought several species of animals and plants to Mars for research, hoping to improve the Martian environment through advanced science and techn..

Nataly Fish



A mysterious illness takes hold of Sylvie’s husband Rosch. The next morning he is no longer the same.

Nataly Fish

Les générations comiques

Les générations comiques

An old and learned doctor discovers the secret of spontaneous generation and makes a microscopic germ which in its growth gives birth to the following people who dissolve into one another and into other shapes with startling mystery.

Nataly Fish

Commutations with Mutations

Commutations with Mutations

Composed using three different formats, that have been made to co-exist: super-8, 16mm, and 35mm on a single 16mm support, clear leader. The variations in size caused the original frame lines to overlap, subjecting them - and with them their images - to a singular diabolical rhythm. The above-mentioned formats were glued together, one at a time, fr..

Nataly Fish

Le Monde mute

Le Monde mute

The thoughts of a man who lives and films in his studio of images and sounds, disconnected from any social or family environment. “In a world in search of meaning, in love with men of action, professing speeches that are addressed to all, I make films that militate for disengagement, inaction, waste of time. Can we live like a flower, like a cica..

Nataly Fish

flatness surface mutation shift: i hand out flesh to you, you will manage it

flatness surface mutation shift: i hand out flesh to you, you will manage it

The film, collected from various views and shrunken feelings, is our common space for collectivity and queer kinship. We are all there, scrambling out of the cinema form and once again slipping away to there. The collage method of gluing us together: a mutating, holding, non-solidifying form of people. We refuse to panic. It is difficult for us to ..

Nataly Fish



A strange humanoid wakes up abandoned on a great rock in the middle of the ocean. Without shelter or food, he must confront the very purpose of his life and the great mystery that sustains his species.

Nataly Fish

Le Continent des hommes-poissons

Le Continent des hommes-poissons

En 1891, après un naufrage dans la mer des Antilles, Claude le Ross, médecin de bord, arrive sur une ile dirigée par un despote, Edmond Rackham. Claude est charge de maintenir en vie un biologiste prisonnier, afin que Rackham puisse poursuivre sa chasse au trésor.

Nataly Fish

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