
Murder by the Book

Murder by the Book

Mild-mannered mystery writer D. H. Mercer has become so immersed in his material that his creation, hard-boiled private eye Biff Deegan, constantly appears to him as a hallucination. Intent on getting rid of Biff, and replacing him with a more civilized detective, Mercer soon finds himself in a genuine mystery involving art fraud, murder, and a bea..

Nataly Fish

Murder by the Book

Murder by the Book

Agatha Christie’s agents propose that it’s time for her to publish the manuscript she wrote thirty-five years earlier, a novel in which she finally kills off her most famous creation. And it’s not an entirely sad occasion. “That wretched little man,” she says. “He’s always been so much trouble. How is it Miss Marple has never upset me..

Nataly Fish

Black Butler: Book of Murder

Black Butler: Book of Murder

Peu de temps après le dénouement de l'affaire du Cirque, les majordomes de la Reine font intrusion dans le manoir de Phantomhive. Un drame se produit pendant le banquet organisé un soir de tempête. Le rideau écarlate retombe sur la silhouette du majordome, qui ferme les yeux, pressentant le sort qui l'attend...

Nataly Fish

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