
Murder Island

Murder Island

It's summer. A group of teenagers decide to go on a camping trip. They drive far up in the country until they find a small place were they rent canoe's for a cheap price. The group paddle for a long time before they find the perfect island to set up camp on. They have sex, do drugs and drink alcohol. But the next morning they notice that one of the..

Nataly Fish

Ten: Murder Island

Ten: Murder Island

A group of kids travel to an abandoned island for a party only to discover that they are being stalked and hunted down by a dangerous predator.

Nataly Fish

Le secret de l'île

Le secret de l'île

Une jeune femme vit une existence paisible, en compagnie de ses parents sur une île, jusqu'au jour où son amie est retrouvée morte, un pistolet à la main.

Nataly Fish

Murder in Rock Island

Murder in Rock Island

Jean and Kelly are two young lovers who are living through difficult times in their relationship. The trouble begins when, against her wishes, an old friend of Kelly's named Lawson joins them in house-sitting for Jean's mother. The adventure ends in death as the ghost of Jean's father intervenes in the couple's life, murder ensues in the little to..

Nataly Fish

La Malédiction du volcan

La Malédiction du volcan

Juliette Gentil, garde-champêtre à Dos-d'Âne (La Réunion), se retrouve en charge d'une enquête sur la mort du seul héritier d'une grande plantation de géranium. Tout laisse croire à un accident mais Juliette découvre bientôt les méandres d'une famille rongée par les secrets et le poids des ancêtres. Elle doit faire équipe avec un jeun..

Nataly Fish

Les Mystères de l'île

Les Mystères de l'île

Un corps est retrouvé dans un zodiac à la dérive entre le Fort Boyard et l’Ile d’Aix. Solène Brach de la DPJ est dépêchée sur place. Elle demande à Vincent, maire de l’île, de l’assister mais ce dernier se montre peu enclin à participer à cette enquête. La victime, José Chebec, est un Aixois tout juste sorti de prison après 20..

Nataly Fish

Murder in the Island Country

Murder in the Island Country

Nataly Fish

Desert Island Survival 2: Behind the Murder
Private Detective DOBU 3: The Exile Island Murder Case

Private Detective DOBU 3: The Exile Island Murder Case

After six exiles return to Edo, four are mysteriously killed. Two survivors, Kosuke and Kingo, lead a search to uncover a hidden motive behind the murders.

Nataly Fish

The Massie Affair

The Massie Affair

In the waning days of summer 1931, Honolulu's tropical tranquility was shattered when a young Navy wife made a drastic allegation of rape against five nonwhite islanders. What unfolded in the following days and weeks was a racially-charged murder case that would make headlines across the nation, enrage Hawai'i's native population, and galvanize the..

Nataly Fish

The Murder Corps

The Murder Corps

A violent upstart forms an alliance with the powerful Tensei-kai syndicate to fight on the front lines of an underworld war and take over all of Japan.

Nataly Fish

The Demon Murder Case

The Demon Murder Case

A young boy is taken over by demons who force him to commit murder.

Nataly Fish

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