
Mr. President

Mr. President

A greedy and self centered politician, Jimmy Superstar (Pedro Cruz) runs for president to rule over the land, get money, throw BIG parties, and have everyone know his name. But when he wins and beats the rival candidate, the deranged Maurice Punchdaghutt (Felix Farrugia) and his pet orangutan Bobo (Zachary Farrugia), he is enraged and attempts to o..

Nataly Fish

Mr. President

Mr. President

Fictitious presidential debate between a Black senator and George W. Bush.

Nataly Fish

Welcome Mr. President!

Welcome Mr. President!

En Italie, un homme simple et honnête se retrouve un jour propulsé président de la République à la suite d'une erreur.

Nataly Fish

Welcome Back Mr. President

Welcome Back Mr. President

Peppino, a provincial librarian who became the accidental President of Italy, is now a father and has returned to a peaceful, happy life as a woodsman. That is, until his wife Janis decides to return to politics. Peppino is forced to abandon his home in the mountains and return to Rome to win back his love and help her defeat a speculative plot int..

Nataly Fish

Thank You, Mr. President: Helen Thomas at the White House

Thank You, Mr. President: Helen Thomas at the White House

This documentary profiles iconic journalist Helen Thomas who has held a front-row seat at White House press conferences for more than 60 years.

Nataly Fish

President Obonjo: Goodbye Mr. President

President Obonjo: Goodbye Mr. President

President Obonjo is a 55 year old dictator of the Lafta Republic who came to UK and has been leading a covert revolution to become the first President to take the UK comedy industry by storm. This show is one milestone on the journey - an impactful story of friendship between an African dictator and an Englishman. With dry deadpan humour and bangin..

Nataly Fish

Checkmate Mr. President!

Checkmate Mr. President!

The President and his wife make refuge in a foreign country, after a staged coup has put him out of power.

Nataly Fish

Mr. President's Vacation

Mr. President's Vacation

The Russian president decides to go on vacation. To do this, he changes his appearance with the help of prosthetics and make-up, but the hapless artist takes the cover image of the first magazine he sees laying around, and now the President looks exactly like the narcissistic marginal Valera who's hiding from the collectors. Ironically, the FSO's v..

Nataly Fish

Mr. Greenfield - The Presidents' Tailor
Wherever You Are, Mr. President

Wherever You Are, Mr. President

Stefan Starzyński, the mayor of Warsaw, organizes life in the capital in September 1939 and lift the inhabitants' spirits via radio announcements. After the surrender, he does not use his last chance to escape.

Nataly Fish

Mr. President

Mr. President

Adaptation of the famous novel, impassioned denunciation of the Guatemalan dictator Manuel Estrada Cabrera.

Nataly Fish

Mr. President

Mr. President

When a respected school principal is elected president, his supporters feel betrayed by his efforts to improve living conditions and cease corruption and cronyism.

Nataly Fish

Mr. President

Mr. President

Nataly Fish

Farewell, Mr. President

Farewell, Mr. President

Asko Mertanen is a waiter who is very interested in shooting. He gets fed up how the things are run in Finland, so he thinks that the best way to change them is to shoot the Finnish president.

Nataly Fish

Thank You, Mr. President: The Press Conferences of JFK

Thank You, Mr. President: The Press Conferences of JFK

JFK documentary directed by Arthur J. Bressan Jr.

Nataly Fish

Mr. President in Slovakia

Mr. President in Slovakia

A short reportage from post-war Slovakia. President Edvard Beneš came to Banská Bystrica to celebrate the first anniversary of the Slovak National Uprising. His journey through Central Slovakia was a motivating and celebratory moment for the people and the compatriots from the areas of partisan fighting.

Nataly Fish

Président junior

Président junior

L'agent secret Sam Simms est chargé de protéger Luke, le fils du président des États-Unis. Le garnement lui en fait voir de toutes les couleurs, mais bientôt, une réelle amitié s'installe entre Luke et son garde du corps.

Nataly Fish

Le président et Miss Wade

Le président et Miss Wade

Andrew Sheperd, actuel président des États-Unis, est un homme jeune, dynamique, et aux idées libérales. Sa vie est irréprochable. Veuf, il s'occupe de sa jeune fille avec beaucoup d'intentions. Andrew va tomber amoureux de Sidney Ellen Wade, ce qui déclenche l'agressivité des médias. Ses adversaires en profitent pour attaquer le président ..

Nataly Fish

Sr. Presidente

Sr. Presidente

Nataly Fish

Au Feu !

Au Feu !

En Bosnie-Herzégovine, peu de temps après la guerre, les habitants essaient de reprendre une vie normale malgré les rancunes, les deuils et les difficultés. La nouvelle de l'arrivée de Bill Clinton à Tesanj, petite ville tout à fait "normale", fait l'effet d'une bombe. Un vent de folie s'y déchaîne.

Nataly Fish

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