
Mother's Day

Mother's Day

Après un hold-up qui tourne mal, trois frères retournent chez leur mère. Lorsqu’ils arrivent devant la maison familiale, ils découvrent avec surprise que celle-ci appartient maintenant à quelqu’un d’autre. Ils prennent alors en otage les nouveaux propriétaires et leurs invités. Peu de temps après, la mère arrive sur place avec leur s..

Nataly Fish

Joyeuse fête des mères

Joyeuse fête des mères

En couple ou séparées, amoureuses, courageuses, maladroites, touchantes…À l’approche du jour de la fête des mères, découvrez les destins croisés de plusieurs filles, femmes, mères (et pères !) de famille. Un jour où vous apprendrez que tout peut changer.

Nataly Fish

Mother's Day

Mother's Day

Dans la famille, nous adorons recueillir les promeneurs égarés. Nous leur préparons des surprises que nul n'oserait imaginer et nous prenons bien soin d'eux ! Et si trois jeunes campeuses esseulées viennent à passer un week-end près de chez nous ? Mes fils et moi, nous ne manquerons pas de leur rendre une petite visite pour faire de leur séj..

Nataly Fish

La Chair de sa chair

La Chair de sa chair

Quand les chemins d'un adolescent enlevé, de gangsters sans scrupules et d'une femme ex-agent spécial sans pitié se croisent, le sang ne tarde pas à couler.

Nataly Fish

Mother's Day

Mother's Day

Accepting the potentialities of the medium to manipulate both time and space, Broughton brings past and present head-on as he regards with adult feelings his childhood family and friends. Grown-ups romp like children, and by their magnified infantilism playfully underscore such basic traits as sadism, sensuality, arid egocentricity. (Melbourne Inte..

Nataly Fish

Mother's Day

Mother's Day

On the day before Mother's Day 1993, Colin and Wendy Parry's lives are torn apart when their youngest son Tim is killed in a terrorist attack by the IRA in Warrington's town centre. The attack shocks ordinary people on both sides of the Irish Sea. Sue McHugh, an unassuming and normally shy Dublin housewife, is deeply affected by the tragedy. Spurr..

Nataly Fish

Mother's Day

Mother's Day

Never take your mother for granted...

Nataly Fish

Mother's Day

Mother's Day

After a head injury, Doug goes to stay with his gay older brother, Isaac and his lover Josh. When the addled Doug mistakes Isaac for his Dad, it's only natural for transvestite Josh to become Mom.

Nataly Fish

Mother's Day

Mother's Day

The impact of mass incarceration is explored through an annual charity trip that takes children to visit their imprisoned mothers.

Nataly Fish

Mother's Day

Mother's Day

California, 1968. Jane has the perfect life. A loving husband, a darling daughter and -hands down- the grooviest home in the neighborhood. But all that is no match for the painful memories of Jane's childhood as they emerge on the eve of Mother's Day.

Nataly Fish

Mother's Day

Mother's Day

Jordan (Michael Wagner) reconnects with mother Wendy (Lisa Ludwig), in the midst of a mental health crisis, over the course of an afternoon in Travis Carlson’s innovative, award-winning Western New York-lensed feature.

Nataly Fish

Mother's Day

Mother's Day

A shy 12-year-old boy befriends two neighborhood brothers who lead him on a quest to make pancakes.

Nataly Fish

Mother's Day

Mother's Day

A singular cinematic figure, San Francisco’s Mike Henderson became one of the first independent African-American artists to make inroads into experimental filmmaking in the 1960s. Henderson’s work throughout the 1970s and 1980s, from which this program of 16mm films is culled, thrums with a sociopolitical, humorous sensibility that lends his sm..

Nataly Fish

Mother's Day

Mother's Day

A young black man is arrested for a crime. Now the police and the D.A. are convinced that he is guilty, but his mother doesn't believe this and sets out to prove his innocence.

Nataly Fish

Mother's Day

Mother's Day

A female fox travels through the forest in search of food. When it comes to reaching the edge of the forest, there is a spot at the edge of the forest where it becomes an attractive event with someone with a witness to someone even better.

Nataly Fish

La fête des mères est annulée

La fête des mères est annulée

Lidia et Manuel sont un couple de jeunes mariés dont les familles ne se sont rencontrées qu'une fois. Elles se réunissent à nouveau pour célébrer la fête des mères. Mais un secret de famille explose et change tout. Esmeralda et Rosa doivent s'appuyer l'une sur l'autre pour supporter cette journée qui semble avoir quelque chose contre elles..

Nataly Fish

Mother's Day Massacre

Mother's Day Massacre

Cheap thrills! It’s bargain basement horror time: a young man’s search for his estranged mother leads him to a terrifying encounter with ‘Pineys’, backwoods hillbillies with a taste for violence.

Nataly Fish

The Story of Mother's Day

The Story of Mother's Day

Struggling to find the correct script, music and choreography, the students find inspiration when they discover the origin and the true meaning behind Mother's Day.

Nataly Fish

Mother's Day

Mother's Day

48 hours in the life of the Neugebauer family. The May weekend with a small family celebration, which was planned as peaceful and contemplative, turns out to be a kind of Rocky Horror Picture Show in Vienna's municipal housing estate. Just like the other residents, the Neugebauers are preparing for the impending Mother's Day.

Nataly Fish

Fishtales 5: Mother's Day

Fishtales 5: Mother's Day

Mother’s Day is fast approaching. Fifi wants to give her Mama the best Mother’s Day gift yet! t’s Fishtales 5: Mother’s Day!

Nataly Fish

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