
Mother at War

Mother at War

1918. World War I rages in Europe while Erna Jensen tends to her ordinary life at home in Bramstrup, with her simple-minded son, Kalle. One day the village constable comes to enlist Kalle for military service for the German Empire – of which Southern Jutland is a part. If Erna is to save Kalle from certain death, she must follow him through thick..

Nataly Fish

Mother Courage and Her Children - A chronicle from the Thirty Years' War

Mother Courage and Her Children - A chronicle from the Thirty Years' War

A recording of the 1939 play "Mother Courage and Her Children" for German TV.

Nataly Fish

Ma mère, une guerre et moi

Ma mère, une guerre et moi

Sur les traces de sa mère, Tamara Trampe part à la rencontre d'anciennes combattantes ukrainiennes de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Un documentaire sous forme d’hommage à ces oubliées de l'histoire.

Nataly Fish

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