
Mother Nature

Mother Nature

The New Mexico town of Catch Creek relies on the Cobalt Corporation for its jobs and prosperity. But Nova Terrell, as a child, witnessed her father die in mysterious circumstances on one of the Cobalt Corporation's experimental oil extraction projects, and has grown up to despise the seemingly benevolent company. The rebellious Nova wages a campaig..

Nataly Fish

Mother Nature

Mother Nature

A comical outlook on who TRULY makes the world go around.

Nataly Fish

Mother Nature

Mother Nature

A father and son go into the forests of Northern America on a camping trip only to find that their efforts at civility are met firstly with resistance and then hostility.

Nataly Fish

Mother Nature

Mother Nature

Disgusted by the already deplorable behavior of the human being towards his nature (environment), NURU, a woman citizen of the planet with an overflowing imagination, decides to paint the engine oil which she uses as metaphor to pass a message to the future generation.

Nataly Fish

Mother Nature

Mother Nature

Moldovans pride themselves on their hospitality, and ​Pasha and Alexandr are no exception. The middle-aged couple prepare a traditional feast for their niece, Olga, and her husband, Ivan, who are visiting home after living in the USA for four years. When the hosts realize their guests have turned themselves vegan and will not eat anything on the ..

Nataly Fish

The Day When Mother Nature Hit Me

The Day When Mother Nature Hit Me

A short animation from Flóra Anna Buda

Nataly Fish

Dear Mother Nature

Dear Mother Nature

Wyn Wiley (aka Pattie Gonia), creates eco-conscious fashion while learning about plastic pollution in Hawaii with local non-profits.

Nataly Fish

Dreaming of mother nature

Dreaming of mother nature

A man goes to his room to reflect in a dream on the beautiful mother nature. He's seen the whole day with vivid images of the lush grass the trees and the bright sun which keeps on blacking in here with a very loud clock sound in the background.

Nataly Fish

Nature of Mother

Nature of Mother

A team of five go on an expedition to the South Pole. As they have experienced the blizzard and the excruciating pains, this journey proves to be a challenge to their not only physical but mental strength. While marching towards the end of the world, they explore the unknown darkness in their minds. During the process, director Yang reflects upon h..

Nataly Fish

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