


This short documentary film captures the natural movement of the moon mixed with an experimental musical track that accompanies the rhythm of the "walk" on the stage that the protagonist occupies, the sky.

Nataly Fish



At the time Moonwalk was uploaded the original scroll-bar had been corresponding to the video in whole duration. Since then youtube added new buttons to the interface and changed the format from 4:3 to 16:9.

Nataly Fish



Almost subliminal lunar images flash by. Contrasts of light and dark are evocative of the mechanisms of filmic process itself - positive/negative. A fantastic, though familiar, moonscape is momentarily exposed.

Nataly Fish



Dans les années trente, Monsieur Big, un malfrat de la pire espèce, sévit dans les rues de Chicago. Lorsqu’il s’en prend à de jeunes enfants, Michael Jackson ne peut s’empêcher de réagir et avec l’aide de ses amis, Sean, Zeke et Katie, ils vont tout faire pour mettre ce dangereux truand sous les verrous. Un combat du bien contre le ma..

Nataly Fish



Juillet 1969. Tom Kidman, un agent spécial de la CIA, est envoyé à Londres pour trouver Stanley Kubrick et le convaincre de tourner un faux alunissage au cas où la mission Apollo échouerait. Il ne trouve pas Kubrick mais, à sa place, Jonny, manager minable d’un groupe de rock. Jonny est le mauvais rêve de Kidman. Kidman est le cauchemar de..

Nataly Fish

Moonwalk One

Moonwalk One

Réalisé entre 1969 et 1970, Moonwalk One capte la première tentative de l’Homme de marcher sur la Lune lors de la mission Apollo 11. Véritable documentaire de création, le film permet enfin de découvrir à l'occasion du 45e anniversaire de la mission des images tournées grâce au matériel de la N.A.S.A. et à ce jour jamais montrées. Mê..

Nataly Fish

Moonwalking: The True Story of Michael Jackson - Uncensored
The Moonwalkers: A Journey With Tom Hanks

The Moonwalkers: A Journey With Tom Hanks

An immersive documentary focusing on the story of the Apollo space program

Nataly Fish

Creating The Time Capsule - The Making of Moonwalk One

Creating The Time Capsule - The Making of Moonwalk One

The history of the making of Moonwalk One, NASA's original Apollo 11 documentary film with the director, Theo Kamecke.

Nataly Fish

Return of the Moonwalker

Return of the Moonwalker

Count Cagliostro, a time-traveling sorcerer masquerading as the emcee of a "punk circus" in Berlin, raises Michael Jackson from the dead to start a global revolution.

Nataly Fish

Moonwalk with Me

Moonwalk with Me

A story about a Korean American girl named Juno who is haunted by her father's disappearances. Upon his return, Juno must decide to keep her drifting father grounded or to let him go.

Nataly Fish



In 2017, China loaned the two panda bears Meng Meng and Jiao Qing to the Berlin Zoo. However, this for-profit attraction didn't go as planned: Meng Meng, the female panda, will only walk backwards. Kerstin Honeit's video places Meng Meng's protest in a series with other performances of protesting bodies, in which grievances are made visible in publ..

Nataly Fish

First Moonwalk: The Restored Apollo 11 EVA

First Moonwalk: The Restored Apollo 11 EVA

The complete Apollo 11 moonwalk television as restored by NASA and Lowry Digital in 2009-2010. Assembled from multiple feeds and sources, each chosen as the best quality record of the EVA, it is the result of several years of search and work on the part of a team of Apollo veterans and volunteers working together to create the very best presentatio..

Nataly Fish

Moonwalkers: The Men Of Apollo

Moonwalkers: The Men Of Apollo

Documentary - This program takes a humorous look at the thoughts and feelings of the Apollo astronauts and missions to the Moon's surface.

Nataly Fish



It's the year 1987. Youngsters living in the outskirts of Thiruvananthapuram start exploring breakdancing.

Nataly Fish

The Moonwalkers

The Moonwalkers

A group of street thugs assault a man, causing temporary blindness. One of them, Romek has a change of heart after this incident and decides to turn against his former friends.

Nataly Fish

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