
Chérie je me sens rajeunir

Chérie je me sens rajeunir

Barnaby Fulton, chimiste de talent, tente de mettre au point une eau de jouvence. La guenon qui lui sert de cobaye s'échappe et l'imitant, concocte sa propre mixture. Barnaby en boit et se conduit comme un gamin. Puis c'est sa femme qui en ingurgite...

Nataly Fish

Monkey Business

Monkey Business

Aux alentours de 1900, le directeur d'un orphelinat tente de gagner un peu d'argent en vendant les orphelins pour le travail des enfants. Dès que nous entrons dans l'histoire, un des orphelins, Wim, est sur le point d'être vendu à un homme brutal. L'homme veut que Wim aille au marché avec un petit singe pour voler les gens. Lorsqu'ils arrivent ..

Nataly Fish

Monnaie de singe

Monnaie de singe

Sur un luxueux paquebot, quatre pittoresques passagers clandestins sont signalés au capitaine. Une folle course-poursuite s'engage alors dans le but de les attraper et de les débarquer à la prochaine escale. Groucho et Chico s'installent dans la cabine du capitaine et s'invitent à sa table sans vergogne. De son côté, Harpo est chargé de s'oc..

Nataly Fish

Monkey Business

Monkey Business

Two ex-cons try to frame the good-guy detective who sent them to jail. However, a group of kids decides to shut the gangsters' operations down with the help of some friends from the animal kingdom.

Nataly Fish

Monkey Business

Monkey Business

An abused chimpanzee escapes from a zoo. On the run, he meets Farina, running away from home and his battling parents. The two become friends and inspire the rest of the gang to put on a show to make money from neighborhood kids. But the chimp has his own idea and runs off creating havoc all over town until chased down by the local cops.

Nataly Fish

Monkey Business

Monkey Business

In a magical land, where injustice rules the day, an evil witch and her band of followers are determined to take over the world. Only a team of smart, resourceful super heroes have the courage to stop her. Equipped with a touch of magic, the friends discover the power of teamwork and combine their strength to save the land from the evil witch.

Nataly Fish

Monkey Business

Monkey Business

Computer animation / live action short. In a boy's room, his toys come to live to combat the giant ape on his TV.

Nataly Fish

Monkey Business

Monkey Business

Presented by Tony Slattery this memorable video includes everybody's favourite characters from the whole Tipps family including Mr Shifter - the piano remover, Brooke Bond - the immaculately cool secret agent and Dolly & Ada - the gossiping housewives to mention but a few. On his chase to catch up the Tipps, Tony finds himself in numerous ridiculou..

Nataly Fish

Monkey Business

Monkey Business

What are the Causes of inequality? In Monkey Business, filmmaker Shola Lynch chats with economists from across the political spectrum to help explain the causes of economic inequality, with help from a couple of mammalian friends.

Nataly Fish

Monkey Business

Monkey Business

An Aesop's Fables cartoon with monkeys monkeying around.

Nataly Fish

Monkey Business

Monkey Business

Joaquin, Brujo and Luismi, three neighbourhood scoundrels, meet again after twenty years. Brujo and Luismi are still unemployed while Joaquin swears he has become an important businessman. However, one day he receives a notification that his mother's house has been repossessed for a loan. He will try to get the money he neds to avoid eviction, but ..

Nataly Fish

Monkey Business

Monkey Business

After watching Fast & Furious 6, Big Monkey sets off on a quest to find his family.

Nataly Fish

Monkey Businessmen

Monkey Businessmen

The stooges are bumbling electricians who decide to go away for a rest after they are fired for their incompetence. The rest home they choose is run by Dr. Mallard, a quack who gyps the patients for everything they've got. When the boys discover the crooked goings on they escape, but not before Curly accidentally cures another patient who rewards h..

Nataly Fish

Alice's Monkey Business

Alice's Monkey Business

Alice and Julius, while out hunting big game, find themselves brought before the court of the Lion King.

Nataly Fish

Manhattan Monkey Business

Manhattan Monkey Business

When Charley can't pay his bill at a restaurant, he is forced to become a waiter.

Nataly Fish

Monkey Business: The Adventures of Curious George's Creators

Monkey Business: The Adventures of Curious George's Creators

Nous connaissons tous Curious George. Mais qu'en est-il de ses créateurs, Hans et Margret Rey ? De la fuite de l'Allemagne nazie sur des vélos faits à la main aux rencontres avec des animaux exotiques au Brésil, les Reys ont vécu des vies d'aventure qui se reflètent dans les pages de l'une des séries de livres pour enfants les plus précieus..

Nataly Fish

ČT Live – Monkey Business

ČT Live – Monkey Business

Nataly Fish

No Monkey Business

No Monkey Business

To help his partner win the daughter of an anthropologist, an actor pretends to be an ape.

Nataly Fish

The Monkey Business

The Monkey Business

Things go bananas after two burglars choose the wrong home to target.

Nataly Fish

Monkey Business in Africa

Monkey Business in Africa

When the story begins, an airplane flying over Africa runs out of gas and the filmmaker and his team are forced to bail out. Once on the ground, all sorts of hijinks occur...such as a fight with a crocodile and a guy in a gorilla suit.

Nataly Fish

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