
Avenger X

Avenger X

Une jolie fille, appartenant à un cartel de la drogue, a été sauvagement assassinée. Sur son front, gravé en lettre de sang, un X. C'est ainsi que Mister X, sorte de Fantomas du bien, apprend qu'il est accusé de ce meurtre. Décidé à venger son honneur et à faire payer les vrais coupables, Mister X, qui pensait couler une gentille retrait..

Nataly Fish

The Mysterious Mister X

The Mysterious Mister X

The eccentric owner of a chateau, Lord Wilford, is fond of everything that is connected with criminal cases. His passion takes up so much time that even his secretary hardly has time to see her fiance. When mysterious letters arrive, announcing that a certain Mister X wants to steal a valuable statuette, the Lord is very enthusiastic. Apparently he..

Nataly Fish

Mister X

Mister X

A mysterious man under the name Mister X performs in the circus, playing violin on a chair suspended in the air by ropes. His breathtakingly sad melodies reflect his internal turmoil - he's in love with a noble lady and this relationship is frowned upon in their society.

Nataly Fish

Sex Files: Sexecutioner

Sex Files: Sexecutioner

A female executioner fulfills the fantasies of all the men on death row before they get sent into the next world. But when she encounters a prisoner with whom she has a long history, her true intent becomes clear.

Nataly Fish

Mister Dynamite

Mister Dynamite

Jackie, un grand aventurier, est désigné par Bannon, millionnaire collectionneur d'antiquités, pour retrouver les pièces manquantes d'un ancien artefact religieux, "L'Armure de Dieu". Parallèlement, les fidèles de cette religion veulent récupérer leur "trésor" et kidnappent la meilleure amie de Jackie, Lorelei, pour s'en servir comme monna..

Nataly Fish

M. Mecanik et les Templiers

M. Mecanik et les Templiers

Ayant trouvé une ancienne croix de templier, un spécialiste de l'histoire de l'art doit faire équipe avec un improbable groupe d'aventuriers pour percer les secrets de la relique.

Nataly Fish

Plastered in Paris

Plastered in Paris

The Surete Commissioner orders Inspector Clouseau and Sergeant Deux-Deux to track a mysterious and elusive Monsieur X. Using a submarine, an army tank, and mountaineering equipment, they chase Monsieur X all the way to Africa, where they encounter him in the Sahara Desert and at Mount Kilimanjaro. After a series of painful mishaps, they concede def..

Nataly Fish

Tim Frazer Hunts the Mysterious Mr. X

Tim Frazer Hunts the Mysterious Mr. X

British detective Tim Frazer hunts a myserious murderer who kills smugglers in the city of Antwerpen.

Nataly Fish

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