
Midnight Show

Midnight Show

A midnight showing (of a slasher film based on real story) in a quiet theatre became a terror when people getting killed by someone wearing mask.

Nataly Fish

Midnight Show

Midnight Show

A serial killer is about to get on his revenge with the people inside a movie theater during a midnight showing.

Nataly Fish

Slow Midnight Show

Slow Midnight Show

The film attempts to stimulate without dialogue and with not too exciting storyline, using only images, sounds, film-noir and usual horror elements.

Nataly Fish

Midnight Show (VHS Recording From 03/17/89)

Midnight Show (VHS Recording From 03/17/89)

A vhs tape Analog horror short on Youtube posted in 2022.

Nataly Fish

Midnight Quiz Show

Midnight Quiz Show

Japanese horror short from 1999.

Nataly Fish

Midnight Peepshow

Midnight Peepshow

An unnamed madame operates a unique peep show that caters to its customers deepest desires, fears, and sins. Tonight, it welcomes a businessman with a unique connection to an extreme fantasy website. Soon he will become a witness to three stories of victims that found the website. It’s only a matter of time before he’s made to pay the ultimate ..

Nataly Fish

Midnight Tease II

Midnight Tease II

Jennifer Brennan gets a job at a strip club to try and find out who killed her sister. She works with undercover cop John Donnelly and befriends other strippers some of whom also get murdered by a very unhappy murdering murderer.

Nataly Fish

La Possédée

La Possédée

Une étudiante tombe sous le charme mystérieux d'une statue représentant l'un des brigands crucifiés avec le Christ. Reprenant vie, le brigand viole la jeune femme, faisant pénétrer en elle la semence du Démon. Maintenant possédée, elle répand le mal sous ses formes les plus perverses. Un seul homme osera l'affronter : un moine, engagé da..

Nataly Fish

Theatre of Fear

Theatre of Fear

Une étrange famille d'artistes de cirque propose un mystérieux spectacle nocturne servant de couverture aux sinistres besognes réalisées en coulisses.

Nataly Fish

Peep Show

Peep Show

A distinguished surgeon, married to a beautiful woman, has the habit of watching his wife in secret. The man decides to grant his wife to the owner of a refined brothel to be able to observe her from behind a mirror.

Nataly Fish

Die Mädchen aus der Peep Show

Die Mädchen aus der Peep Show

The most revealing report about the girls from the peep show. The girls from the peep show can't get enough of their power of seduction even after work. They never miss an opportunity to drop their covers...

Nataly Fish

Une animatrice en danger

Une animatrice en danger

Une thérapeute animant une émission de radio est bouleversée lorsqu'elle se met à recevoir des appels semblant provenir d'un auditeur qui s'est jadis suicidé en direct sur les ondes.

Nataly Fish

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