


1888, L'archiduc Rodolphe, prince héritier austro-hongrois, est entré en conflit, pour des raisons à la fois personnelles et politiques avec son père François-Joseph. Son mariage avec la princesse Stéphanie de Belgique ne le satisfait pas davantage que l'évolution du régime politique. Au hasard d'une promenade, il rencontre une jeune inconn..

Nataly Fish



En 1888, en Autriche, l'archiduc Rodolphe, fils unique de l'empereur François-Joseph, est tenu à l'écart des affaires. Il se pose en champion de l'opposition libérale et s'attire la haine du comte Taafe, ministre de l'empereur. Après avoir été forcé d'épouser Stéphanie de Belgique, Rodolphe passe désormais des nuits de plaisir dans la ma..

Nataly Fish



Based on the true story of the death of Crown Prince Rudolf and his young mistress Mary Vetsera in 1889, Steven McRae and Sarah Lamb take on these challenging roles in a dark and intense ballet. Crown Prince Rudolf of Austria-Hungary is emotionally unstable and haunted by his obsession with death. He is forced to marry Princess Stephanie. Soon aft..

Nataly Fish



Mayerling is the name of a notorious Austrian village linked to a romantic tragedy. At a royal hunting lodge there, in 1889, Crown Prince Rudolf--desperate over his father's command to put away his teenage mistress, the Baroness Marie Vetsera--shot her to death and killed himself. The misfortune may indeed have been a murder-suicide, but perhaps it..

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish



Edward Watson takes the role of Crown Prince Rudolf in Kenneth MacMillan's compelling ballet which lives out the final eight years of Rudolf's life with its relentless downward spiral of political intrigue, drugs and murder. It culminates with the suicide pact at the hunting lodge - known as Mayerling - between Rudolf and his 17-year-old mistress, ..

Nataly Fish

Royal Opera House : Mayerling

Royal Opera House : Mayerling

Désirs dangereux, secrets de famille et intrigues politiques – une histoire vraie sous forme de ballet.

Nataly Fish

De Mayerling à Sarajevo

De Mayerling à Sarajevo

Fiction historique et romantique à propos de l'héritier de la couronne des Habsbourg, Francois Ferdinand Bourbon d'Este, de son ennemi juré, le Prince de Montenuevo, et de la femme qu'il va aimer avant d'être assassiné a Sarajevo.

Nataly Fish

Le Secret de Mayerling

Le Secret de Mayerling

En 1889, la vie et la mort, tragique et mystérieuse, d'un archiduc, membre de la maison impériale d'Autriche-Hongrie, et de sa jeune maîtresse.

Nataly Fish

Rudolf - Affaire Mayerling

Rudolf - Affaire Mayerling

Based on the true life story of Rudolf, Crown Prince of Austria, Rudolf recounts the life of a young and sensitive visionary reformer, destroyed by political intrigue and his own fateful passion.

Nataly Fish

Retour à Mayerling

Retour à Mayerling

A film in which the house is itself a fundamental element and in which Vecchiali assumes the role of a recurring character, who responds by diverse names. It is the film of Vecchiali in which the representation of the ghosts is literal, in the bodies and spirits of the director and Edit Scob.

Nataly Fish

Mayerling / Bouquet de Takarazuka

Mayerling / Bouquet de Takarazuka

Austria, 1888. Crown Prince Rudolph is bored with the ostentatious royal life in the Austrian court. He is forced into a marriage contract with Stephanie, Princess of Belgium. The couple is incompatible and they live in unhappy discord. Grand Duke Jean Salvadore, Rudolph`s cousin, is in touch with the liberals of the realm and his lover, Milly, is ..

Nataly Fish

Mayerling / Glorious!!

Mayerling / Glorious!!

Takarazuka Cosmos Troupe 2000 production of Utakata no Koi (Translated as Ephemeral Love, also known as Mayerling). Based on the true story of the the doomed love affair between the crown prince of Austria Rudolf and his young mistress, Marie Vetsera.

Nataly Fish

Kronprinz Rudolfs letzte Liebe

Kronprinz Rudolfs letzte Liebe

Nataly Fish

Elisabeth of Austria

Elisabeth of Austria

Elisabeth of Austria is a German movie with Lil Dagover as royalty Elisabeth who has many men to choose from.

Nataly Fish

Ephemeral Love / Enchantement –A Luxurious Perfume–

Ephemeral Love / Enchantement –A Luxurious Perfume–

EPHEMERAL LOVE: Austria, 1888. Crown Prince Rudolf is bored with the ostentatious royal life in the Austrian court. During a performance of “Hamlet,” Rudolf meets Marie Vetsera, the daughter of Baron Vetsera, the wealthiest man in Vienna. Marie is instantly infatuated with the prince, and they continue meeting in secret. When the emperor learns..

Nataly Fish

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