


Un agent du FBI poursuit un groupe de braqueurs de banque qui cède ses gains à des oeuvres de charité. Au cours de son enquête, il découvre une nouvelle piste qu'un des propriétaires de banque lui a caché.

Nataly Fish



A father and daughter live life on the fringes of a dystopian future. They kill two survivors of a gang skirmish leading to the arrival of a nefarious man who will hunt them down.

Nataly Fish



Two sociopaths who go on a killing spree, are interrupted when a man accidentally runs over one of the psycho's legs, leaving him badly injured.

Nataly Fish

Les maraudeurs attaquent

Les maraudeurs attaquent

Durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, en 1944, le général Joseph Stilwell ordonne le déploiement en Birmanie des unités américaines de volontaires destinées à vaincre la résistance de l'armée impériale japonaise. Parmi elles se trouve l'Unité Galahad (5307), commandée par le général Frank Merrill, et surnommée « Les Maraudeurs de Merri..

Nataly Fish

Starship Troopers 3 : Marauder

Starship Troopers 3 : Marauder

La guerre continue de faire rage entre la Fédération et les arachnides. Devenu colonel, Johnny Rico est choisi pour secourir le Sky Marshal Omar Anoké et sa fiancée Lola Beck dont le vaisseau s'est écrasé sur une planète habitée par un chef arachnides. Menant une équipe de six troopers, Johnny Rico établit un plan audacieux pour vaincre l..

Nataly Fish

Mosby's Marauders

Mosby's Marauders

Willie, a young Confederate soldier, joins forces with the bold and boisterous Lt. John Singleton Mosby and his notorious band of Civil War raiders. Befriended by a Yankee and aided by his beautiful cousin Oralee, Willie learns the power of love and war as he attempts dangerous scouting missions across the Virginia countryside. Infiltrating a Union..

Nataly Fish

Marauders from the Mediterranean: The Macabre Magic of the Spanish Zombie Film

Marauders from the Mediterranean: The Macabre Magic of the Spanish Zombie Film

A feature-length documentary exploring the history of the Spanish zombie film.

Nataly Fish

The Marauders

The Marauders

Hoppy, California and Lucky take refuge from a storm inside a supposedly abandoned church outside a ghost town, only to meet a young woman and her mother there, then find themselves surrounded by a gang of "workmen" intent on tearing down the church if they have to kill the five to do it.

Nataly Fish

The Marauders

The Marauders

A poor homesteader fights back when he's targeted for extinction by a powerful rancher and his gang of hired thugs.

Nataly Fish

Micro-Budget Marauders

Micro-Budget Marauders

What is a Micro-Budget film? How are they made? Where can you find them? Do they actually make any money? Six micro-budget filmmakers take us through the arduous process of making movies with little-to-no money. They shed light on the physical, financial and moral complexities of this unusual side of Hollywood.

Nataly Fish

Midnight Marauders

Midnight Marauders

A henpeck persuades his friend to pose as a burglar.

Nataly Fish

Microbudget Marauders 3

Microbudget Marauders 3

Several independent Filmmakers explain what micro budget movies are and how they make, distribute and market them.

Nataly Fish

Mixtape Marauders

Mixtape Marauders

A nine song visual mixtape following two young stoners into a world of mindless day jobs, petty drug deals and obsessive mixtape curation.

Nataly Fish

Microbudget Marauders Too

Microbudget Marauders Too

What is a micro budget film? Have you ever come across a super low budget movie on a streaming platform and thought, Wow, how is this here, in the marketplace, right next to the blockbusters? Who is making these movies?

Nataly Fish

Micro-Budget Marauders: Micro-Budget Mentality

Micro-Budget Marauders: Micro-Budget Mentality

Micro-budget filmmakers

Nataly Fish

Severus Snape and the Marauders

Severus Snape and the Marauders

Nataly Fish

They Volunteered for This: Merrill's Marauders

They Volunteered for This: Merrill's Marauders

A film focusing on one of World War II’s most heroic and least talked about units, Merrill's Marauders. Legendary news anchor Tom Brokaw narrates the tale of a group of volunteer soldiers who specialized in “hit and run” tactics in the jungles and mountains of Burma.

Nataly Fish

Micro-Budget Marauders 3: Marketing and Distribution

Micro-Budget Marauders 3: Marketing and Distribution

Third film in the documentary series that looks at low-budget filmmaking.

Nataly Fish

L'Aventure des Ewoks : La Bataille pour Endor

L'Aventure des Ewoks : La Bataille pour Endor

Une armée de Marauders, dirigée par le roi Terak et la sorcière Chara, attaque le village des Ewoks .Cindel et Wicket s'échappent dans la forêt ou ils rencontrent Teek et Noa. Ensemble, Ils feront tout pour vaincre les Marauders.

Nataly Fish

Commandos, l'enfer de la guerre

Commandos, l'enfer de la guerre

En 1943. Des soldats américains d'origine italienne s'entraînent en vue d'une périlleuse mission. Ils doivent prendre le contrôle d'une oasis, en Afrique du Nord, occupée par les Italiens, en attendant l'arrivée des troupes alliées. Le sergent Sullivan s'oppose bientôt à son supérieur Valli, responsable du commando. Alors que l'opération..

Nataly Fish

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