
Wanted Man

Wanted Man

Lorsqu'une fusillade entre cartels fait plusieurs morts parmi les agents de la DEA, un policier vieillissant doit retrouver un témoin oculaire et l'escorter de l'autre côté de la frontière. Mais lorsqu'il apprend que l'attaque a été exécutée par les forces américaines, il ne sait plus à quel camp se fier...

Nataly Fish

Un Homme très recherché

Un Homme très recherché

Hambourg, Allemagne, de nos jours. Un mystérieux jeune homme d’origine tchétchène et russe, cherchant désespérément de l’aide, arrive à l’agonie dans la communauté islamique de la ville pour récupérer la fortune mal acquise de son défunt père russe. Rien chez ce jeune homme ne semble clair : est-il une victime, un voleur ou, pire ..

Nataly Fish

Man Wanted

Man Wanted

A female editor of a magazine falls in love with her male secretary.

Nataly Fish

Inside Man: Most Wanted

Inside Man: Most Wanted

Une bande organisée décide de cambrioler la Réserve fédérale des Etats-Unis. Durant un siège de plus de dix heures, un négociateur de la police de New York en otage et un agent fédéral unissent leur force pour libérer les captifs et faire échouer le plan de la bande d'escrocs.

Nataly Fish

Man Wanted

Man Wanted

Nataly Fish

The Man Who Wanted to Fly

The Man Who Wanted to Fly

Bobby Coote is in his eighties, but he still has a dream: one day he wants to fly. He has built himself a hangar, and he has a runway of sorts, all he needs is a plane. And now he is finally going to buy one and make his dream come true.

Nataly Fish

Man - Woman Wanted

Man - Woman Wanted

Stanisław Maria Rochowicz, a bumbling art historian, is falsely accused of stealing a painting. The alleged thief faces five years in prison. Desperate, he decides to hide in disguise as a woman until he can paint a copy of the stolen canvas. Lacking means to live, he has to work for some time, of course, as a woman. He gets a job as a domestic he..

Nataly Fish

Wanted: A Man

Wanted: A Man

A sequel-of-sorts to "Sieviete, kuru gaida?", where the authors focussed on the role of a woman in society. Now their turning their focus on men.

Nataly Fish

The Making of A Most Wanted Man

The Making of A Most Wanted Man

Behind-the-scenes look at making the film adaptation of John le Carré's A Most Wanted Man.

Nataly Fish

Man Wanted 3

Man Wanted 3

The boss of a powerful Hong Kong triad struggles to maintain his position, while wishing that he could express his love to a widow of another triad member.

Nataly Fish

All Because Man Wanted to Fly

All Because Man Wanted to Fly

Light-hearted look at early human efforts to fly, hosted by Orville, the albatross, for the pre-show of PSA’s Circle-Vision attraction at Disneyland.

Nataly Fish

The Man Who Wanted to Live Forever

The Man Who Wanted to Live Forever

A famous heart surgeon finds out that a medical research foundation is being used for shady and illegal purposes.

Nataly Fish

Man Wanted

Man Wanted

Undercover cop Lok Hwa takes two years to become the trusted lieutenant of rising Hong Kong drug lord, Feng. The night of the big bust, Feng's flaming car crashes spectacularly into the sea; Feng is presumed dead. Hwa returns to the force and to June, his patient girl friend. Also, to save Feng's lover Yung from a life of crime, Hwa gives her his p..

Nataly Fish

Wanted: Man

Wanted: Man

When Bas puts up the note Wanted: Man on the notice board of the local supermarket for his single mother, she does not know about it. The self-willed Bas tries to find a solution for the separation between him and his mother, who no longer knows how to cope with Bas' superstitious compulsions. And both are hydrophobic. But by the end of the summer,..

Nataly Fish

A Wanted Man

A Wanted Man

In order to gain revenge on the killers of his parents, a man joins an organized crime ring as a hit man. The brutality of his slayings in his quest for vengeance makes him a man that the police desperately want to collar. ※ Only the first 32 minutes of the film currently exist today. The plot summary has been added in the form of title cards to..

Nataly Fish

The Man Who Wanted to Change the World

The Man Who Wanted to Change the World

Peter Westerveld, artist and visionary, doesn’t want institutions to resolve the problems linked to earth’s problems. Growing up in Africa, he witnessed the advance of the desert and dedicated himself to finding solutions for the ongoing erosion and desertification of the land. The film follows Peter and the NGO working with him to realise his ..

Nataly Fish

The Man Who Wanted to See It All

The Man Who Wanted to See It All

En 1962, Heinz Stücke a quitté l'Allemagne avec un vélo, une tente et un objectif : voir le monde. Aujourd'hui, il rentre chez lui, pour la première fois en 50 ans.

Nataly Fish

L'Ennemi public n°1

L'Ennemi public n°1

Joé Calvet, un américain moyen affublé d'une effrayante myopie, emporte par erreur le pardessus d'un gangster dans un cinéma. À partir de cet instant, il est pris pour Slim considéré comme l'ennemi public numéro 1 et se trouve entraîné dans un concert d'aventures extravagantes.

Nataly Fish

L'homme qui rêvait d'un enfant

L'homme qui rêvait d'un enfant

Pour une raison qu’il ignore, Alfred a perdu la parole. Un jour, ayant fui une nouvelle fois le baiser de celle qu’il aime et sentant la solitude s’installer, il prend une décision. Alfred va adopter un enfant. Contre toute attente, sa demande est prise en compte et acceptée. Mais le jour J, celui qui arrive ne correspond pas vraiment à c..

Nataly Fish

L'Homme qui voulait dormir

L'Homme qui voulait dormir

Alfred, pensionnaire d’une maison de retraite, n’arrive plus à trouver le sommeil, perturbé par les coucheries incessantes des autres pensionnaires. Excédé, il décide de partir en pleine nuit pour dormir dehors. Mais entre les mobiliers anti-SDF et les robots de surveillance, dormir est devenu un luxe et Alfred ne le sait pas encore.

Nataly Fish

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