


Nataly Fish

Le retour de Majin

Le retour de Majin

Le lac Yokumo, qui abrite le domaine de Majin, est au coeur de deux régions florissantes, placées sous l'autorité du seigneur Chigusa. Les pauvres qui vivent dans les montagnes environnantes tentent de fuir la misère et leur cruel souverain, Mikoshiba, pour se rendre sur les rives du lac. Ne pouvant les retenir et jalousant la prospérité de s..

Nataly Fish



A Okamidani, les bruits qui proviennent de la montagne sacrée font craindre que ne se réveille Majin, un esprit guerrier enfermé dans une statue de pierre. Alors que se déroule une cérémonie destinée à l'apaiser, Hanabusa, le seigneur des lieux, est attaqué et tué dans sa demeure. Grâce à la réussite de ce complot, Samanosuke Odate dev..

Nataly Fish

Le Combat Final de Majin

Le Combat Final de Majin

Une petite communauté de montagnards se prépare à affronter l'hiver, quand Sampei, l'un des hommes partis couper du bois, revient dans un état critique. Il révèle que ses compagnons et lui-même ont été enlevés par les hommes du seigneur Arakawa, qui les oblige maintenant à travailler sans relâche dans la "Vallée de la mort". Le seul ch..

Nataly Fish

Mazinkaiser vs Great Darkness General

Mazinkaiser vs Great Darkness General

Mazinkaiser vs the Great general of darkness is a retelling of 1974's Mazinger Z vs. The Great General of Darkness. The new Mazinger Team is overwhelmed by the surprise assault of the subterranean Mykene empire resulting in many casualties, but Mazinkaiser ultimately defeats the forces of evil, ending with a bitter duel against the leader of Mykene..

Nataly Fish

Uta no Prince-sama Maji LOVE Starish Tours

Uta no Prince-sama Maji LOVE Starish Tours

With the great success of "Maji LOVE LIVE Kingdom", the members of ST☆RISH have been busy with their idol activities. However, while their success has brought a sense of fulfillment, they began to have feelings they never felt before. "What do we do from now on..." At that time, a call comes in from the Shining Office summoning everyone to receiv..

Nataly Fish

Mazinkaizer SKL

Mazinkaizer SKL

Sur Machine Island, une île colossale isolée du reste du monde par un rideau de gravité depuis la dernière guerre, trois factions s'affrontent à l'aide de super armes robotiques issues d'une science oubliée. Mais le dispositif qui alimente la barrière gravitique présente une erreur majeure dans la composition de ce rideau, au point que celu..

Nataly Fish



Poorna fails to appreciate the blessings in his life due to his unfulfilled dream of a cricket career and a failed romance that changes him.

Nataly Fish

The Day the Tree Blooms

The Day the Tree Blooms

Based on a novel by Maria Majerova, this well-photographed but routine romantic drama is directed and co-scripted by Vaclav Krska. Set in a more old-fashioned time, the story centers around Lenka (Suzana Fisarskova), a young woman with a domineering, psychologically abusive father. When Lenka falls in love she suffers the ultimate injustice when he..

Nataly Fish

Futari wa Precure Splash Star: Maji Doki Theater

Futari wa Precure Splash Star: Maji Doki Theater

A seed of hope descends from the sky, landing atop Flappy's head and sprouting between his ears. Goyaan is sent after the seed of hope and uses a seed of despair to transform an Uzaina, causing big trouble for the Precure!

Nataly Fish

Loaded Eels

Loaded Eels

This is not just a game. It is an escape from everyday life, an escape which is impossible to give up. Loaded Eels is a black comedy about a group of men who decided to escape from their everyday lives through role-playing. They pretend to be soldiers of SWAT team, evacuating community centers, dragging unsuspecting people into their game. They are..

Nataly Fish

Cat Stevens: Majikat

Cat Stevens: Majikat

Majikat est un live du chanteur/compositeur britannique Cat Stevens. Il a été enregistré (au College Of William & Mary, Williamsburg le 22-02-76) lors de la tournée américaine de Stevens' Earth Tour 1976, mais n'a été publié qu'en 2004, date à laquelle l'artiste était connu sous le nom de Yusuf Islam.

Nataly Fish

Shoe Show

Shoe Show

While the humans are away, the shoes in a cobbler's workshop engage in a number of activities, including flirting, kidnapping and a gunfight.

Nataly Fish

Vimal - Abdul Majith Untitled

Vimal - Abdul Majith Untitled

Nataly Fish

The Maji-Maji Readings

The Maji-Maji Readings

A theatre reading about the Maji Maji uprising in the former German East Africa reveals that colonial, racist patterns of thought still dominate in Germany today. Philippa Ébené, Grada Kilomba and others linked to the production all get to have their say.

Nataly Fish

Majid'den Sevgilerle

Majid'den Sevgilerle

Nataly Fish

Memphis Majic

Memphis Majic

Memphis Majic takes a look at the DNA of Memphis through the lens of a 30-year Memphis-born street dance called Jookin. The dance style derived from Memphis hip hop about 30 years ago.

Nataly Fish



This film was made by 2nd year students from "Concepteur et réalisateur de films d'animation" in GOBELINS, as part of a pedagogical exercise, on the subject of esotericism, strange, bizarre.

Nataly Fish

Nancy Ray Smiggen's Family Tree and the Majic Extravaganza


Nataly Fish

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