
Magic Mountains

Magic Mountains

Hannah travels through the Polish mountains with her ex-boyfriend Lex. During their journey the young woman finds out that Lex has prepared the perfect crime, with Hannah as his victim.

Nataly Fish

Magic in the Mountains

Magic in the Mountains

Magic in the Mountains tells the remarkable underdog story of how Squaw Valley, a little-known ski area in California, won the bid for the 1960 Winter Olympics and, with the help of Walt Disney, changed forever the ways in which the Games were presented. The documentary features never-before-seen archival footage from the 1960 Olympic Games and rev..

Nataly Fish

Blue Mountains Magic

Blue Mountains Magic

Join documentary filmmaker Greg Grainger on a tour of some of Australia's most spectacular natural landscape in the heart of the Blue Mountains. Often compared to the Grand Canyon for its sheer cliffs, rugged canyons and unique flora and fauna, this wilderness will have you reaching for your passport. Also included in the journey are old-fashioned ..

Nataly Fish

Magic of the Mountains

Magic of the Mountains

This is the story of a land, where forces of nature are at play - beyond all things that a human can ever dominate or be able to conquer. The birth of Tyrol was one of collisions, where previous far apart continents were conjoined, wedged together and piled up on top of each other. The result is a steep world of diversity on the smallest area: depe..

Nataly Fish

Zu, les guerriers de la montagne magique

Zu, les guerriers de la montagne magique

Dans les montagnes sacrées de Zu, un monstre aux pouvoirs immenses tente de renaître. De courageux chevaliers, avec l'appui d'un jeune éclaireur, ont 49 jours pour sauver le monde.

Nataly Fish

The Magic Mountain

The Magic Mountain

Hans Castorp, fresh from university and about to become a civil engineer, comes to the Sanatorium Berghof in the Swiss Alps to visit his cousin Joachim, an army officer, who is recovering there from tuberculosis. Intending to remain at the Berghof for three weeks, Hans is gradually contaminated by the morbid atmosphere pervading the place. Wishing ..

Nataly Fish

La Montagne magique

La Montagne magique

La biographie d’Adam Jacek Winker, traverse près d’un demi-siècle d’histoire. Polonais réfugié à Paris dans les années 60, sa vie aventureuse prend un tournant radical dans les années 80. Se rêvant chevalier du 20ème siècle, Jacek quitte la France pour combattre les soviétiques aux côtés du commandant Massoud en Afghanistan.

Nataly Fish

Magic Mountain

Magic Mountain

Abastumani is a tuberculosis hospital high up in the Georgian mountains where the old Soviet doctors used to be well respected professionals, but as times changed they got stuck in the past and became mere minders for ex-convicts, alcoholics and drug addicts dying of TB. There is many other staff in the hospital, but there is no security. The patie..

Nataly Fish

Magic Mountain of Vincenzo Bianchi

Magic Mountain of Vincenzo Bianchi

Yuri Gagarin is a real idol of the modern Leonardo da Vinci, the ingenious Italian artist Vincenzo Bianchi dedicated his museum on the mountain to the Soviet cosmonaut. The artist equates the spacewalk with the discovery by mankind of a new perspective, which once happened in the Italian Renaissance. The space discovered half a century ago is still..

Nataly Fish

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