


Deux petites filles ont disparu dans les bois le jour où leur parents ont été tués. Des années plus tard, celles-ci sont retrouvées et adoptées. Mais une certaine Mama continue de leur rendre visite...

Nataly Fish



Lili réveille sa sœur Victoria et insiste pour qu'elles quittent toutes les deux la maison.

Nataly Fish

Y tu mamá también

Y tu mamá también

Les vies de Julio et Tenoch, deux adolescents de 17 ans, sont régies par leurs hormones, leur amitié et la vitesse précipitée avec laquelle ils cherchent à passer à l'âge adulte. Au cours d'un après-midi de fête familiale, ils font la rencontre de Luisa, une Espagnole de 28 ans, et ne tardent pas à flirter avec. En plaisantant, ils l'invi..

Nataly Fish



‘MAMA’ is a mockumentary set in a drama school, centring on the shambolic professional life of new Principal, Olive Bady. The pilot is set in a fictional Drama School, MAMA. Filmed in a mockumentary format, it depicts a ‘typical’ day at a conservatoire and introduces us to key members of staff and new Principal, Olive Bady. Olive is on a ..

Nataly Fish

Snoopy présente : bonne fête Maman (et Papa) !

Snoopy présente : bonne fête Maman (et Papa) !

La Fête des Mères approche à la grande joie de toute la bande de copains, à l'exception de Peppermint Patty. Cette journée lui rappelle qu'elle a grandi sans sa maman. Mais sa super copine Marcie lui fait réaliser qu'il y a toutes sortes de familles.

Nataly Fish



There is an attack from outer space and a family descends to the basement, not without problems, and an electric saw ends up being the protagonist.

Nataly Fish



Magda est institutrice et mère d’un petit garçon de 10 ans. Elle a du mal à faire face à la perte de son emploi et le départ de son mari. Mais lorsqu’on lui diagnostique un cancer du sein, plutôt que de se laisser abattre, elle décide de vivre pleinement chaque instant. Elle profite de son fils, de son médecin bienveillant et d’un hom..

Nataly Fish

Baby Mama

Baby Mama

Kate Holbrook est une séduisante femme d'affaires dont la carrière professionnelle a pris le pas sur sa vie privée et personnelle. Mais à 37 ans, elle souhaite devenir mère, mais apprend qu'elle a une chance sur un million d'avoir un enfant en raison de son utérus en forme de T. Après avoir tenté plusieurs solutions pour être maman, elle a..

Nataly Fish



In this deeply moving dialogue between mother and son, Mexican Tzotzil director Xun Sero confronts his past with honesty, understanding and forgiveness. Growing up without a father, he blamed his mother for the paternal absence in his life; this, for him, became his first act of violence against the feminine and his own mother. Societal pressure an..

Nataly Fish



An uninvited guest appears in the house and haunts every member of the family except for one.

Nataly Fish



Victoria receives an unexpected visit. Her daughter Sara, with whom she has not spoken for some time, asks her to take care for a few days to Nicole, her 7 year old granddaughter. Victoria is a reserved and independent woman, who apparently enjoys her loneliness. This favor will alter her life and change the routine.

Nataly Fish

Maman, j’ai encore raté l’avion !

Maman, j’ai encore raté l’avion !

Après Paris, c'est à Miami que la tribu McCallister décide de passer les fêtes de Noël. À l'aube du jour J, toute la famille est sur le pied de guerre et file a l'aéroport en prenant bien garde de ne pas oublier Kevin. Mais celui-ci s'éclipse pour acheter des piles pour son walkman, il ne retrouve plus les siens et s'embarque par mégarde p..

Nataly Fish



A young man is sent to the city to live with his uncle to “become a man”. His uncle is not quite the role model his mother had hoped for. Following an unexpected turn of events, he tries to turn his life around. When his mother falls ill, he begins to question his faith.

Nataly Fish



Ana and Paula are woken in the middle of the night by screams. The two sisters believe that something serious has happened to their mother and that their father is responsible. It is estimated that every day in Mexico, 10 women are killed and thousands more go missing. With the rate of femicide soaring, Manuel Antonio Escalante explores the horror ..

Nataly Fish



Legendary directors Wim Umboh and Sjumandjaja, decided to experiment by producing a script being written at the same time of the shooting. Mama is a complex story with two seemingly unrelated narrative threads. The first story revolves around Sanca and Anani. The second is about Ulli and Pandji, and in between the two stories is a third narrative, ..

Nataly Fish



How a young family deals with the loss of their mom.

Nataly Fish



A Bosnian woman is released from prison after 13 years. She comes back home, where she finds her young son and his pregnant girlfriend. With luggage and flight tickets in their hands, they are up to travel to start a new life.

Nataly Fish



In a village, a lonely retired nurse goes through her daily routine with her son by her side as she reflects on the memories of her younger days with her husband and children.

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish



My mother loves me. She always worries about me. "Are you alright? "Even if she dies.

Nataly Fish

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