
Love Trap

Love Trap

Richard, a law student, is hanging out at a sports bar. When Angel, a seductive vixen, appears from nowhere and smothers him with attention, he finds himself in a situation most guys wish for. Faced with temptation, Richard makes a seemingly innocent suggestion that sets in motion a series of events that ultimately unbalances his world.

Nataly Fish

Lulu Van Trapp en concert à We Love Green 2024

Lulu Van Trapp en concert à We Love Green 2024

Rendez-vous avec la pop déjantée de Lulu Van Trapp !

Nataly Fish

The Love Trap

The Love Trap

A chorus girl loses her job and thus the room she owes back rent on, and ends up being rescued from the street by a dashing rich man. But his family isn't over-accepting of chorus girls joining their family.

Nataly Fish

Love a Killer Trap

Love a Killer Trap

Also Known As Love A Killer Trap (India, English title)

Nataly Fish

Love Trap

Love Trap

Law student Thijs shares a house in which every room is the HQ of constant cruising for one night stands, relationships are considered a waste of lives. Suddenly Ben, his best mate since childhood, announces he passed on his room to Susan, who brings her studly boyfriend Stef, because Ben is- getting married to heiress Talita Bekooy. Thijs now reme..

Nataly Fish

Love Trap

Love Trap

This drama tells the story of Ding Junjie, the deputy general manager of a cosmetics company, and Ying Jiaming, the son of the cynical chairman of the board. Though the two originally have a tit-for-tat, cat and mouse relationship, they gradually come to know and understand one another.

Nataly Fish

The Love Trap

The Love Trap

Diana, looking job, gets an interview for a nanny motherless children. Arriving at the house discovers that the father is a man who knows and with whom there is a strong attraction.

Nataly Fish

Piège d'Amour

Piège d'Amour

Thanh, architecte, retourne en 1954 habiter la maison familiale qu’il occupait avant la guerre. Il propose à Quy, camarade de régiment et à sa femme Hue, de partager cette villa trop grande pour lui seul. Des problèmes de cohabitation ne tardent pas à survenir, mettant à l’épreuve une amitié liée dans un tout autre contexte entre les d..

Nataly Fish

The Misarranged Love Trap

The Misarranged Love Trap

When both sides of the family move in with a married couple, chaos reigns.

Nataly Fish

Trap of a Love Potion

Trap of a Love Potion

Pinku from 1966.

Nataly Fish

Love Trap

Love Trap

An Iranian adventure movie from director Azizollah Rafie.

Nataly Fish

I Can Make You Love Me

I Can Make You Love Me

A beautiful young computer technician starting off her career in Silicon Valley during the Eighties, is stalked and harassed by a nerdy, dangerous and mentally-unstable colleague with a twisted obsession.

Nataly Fish

Fuite vers l'amour

Fuite vers l'amour

Melanie est mariée à un gardien de prison mais souffre de devoir rester dans l'ombre des ambitions de son époux. Un jour, elle est enlevée par Jack, un prisonnier en cavale. Elle finit par tomber amoureuse de lui et va l'aider à prouver qu'il est innocent des crimes dont on l'accuse...

Nataly Fish

The Brutal Insanity of Love

The Brutal Insanity of Love

Une policière enquête sur le suicide apparent d'une étudiante. Les principaux suspects sont le professeur de la jeune fille, qui pourrait avoir eu une liaison avec elle, ainsi que l'épouse du professeur, qui fréquente les bars lesbiens.

Nataly Fish

Run or Die

Run or Die

Bobby, un pickpocket new-yorkais commet ses larçins à travers la ville en se faisant passer pour un trader, joue avec le feu en mettant la main sur le badge d’un officier de police, Nick Sullivan. Tout en se lançant dans un jeu dangereux du chat et de la souris avec le lieutenant Sullivan, Bobby va affronter un autre défi : Lucy, une aventure..

Nataly Fish

Don't Bet on Love

Don't Bet on Love

A plumber wins big at the racetrack but then his luck runs out and almost ruins his business. His manicurist girlfriend stands by him and helps him readjust to life as a plumber.

Nataly Fish

L'Homme aux cent visages

L'Homme aux cent visages

Gerardo est marié et vit bourgeoisement. Un homme sonne à la porte de l'appartement pour tenter une escroquerie, mais Gerardo connait les ficelles du métier. Après l'avoir démasqué il raconte son parcours à l'inconnu : comment d'acteur il devint un escroc fameux, montant des coups de plus en plus audacieux...

Nataly Fish

Piégée par mon sugar daddy

Piégée par mon sugar daddy

Une mère se bat pour libérer sa fille tout juste majeure après que cette dernière est tombée dans les griffes d'un quinquagénaire manipulateur et dangereux.

Nataly Fish

Island of Love

Island of Love

Con artist Steve Blair persuades Tony Dallas, a Manhattan gangster, to finance a movie about Adam and Eve by offering the female lead to Tony's stripper girl friend, Cha Cha Miller. The film is such a disaster, however, that Steve and his writer, Paul Ferris, decide to escape on a freighter to Greece. En route, Steve learns that the island of Parad..

Nataly Fish

Booby Trap

Booby Trap

A crazed military explosives expert heads for Los Angeles with an RV full of explosives, intending to blow up a rock festival and kill all the "hippies". An army officer is sent to stop him.

Nataly Fish

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