
Lost Ones

Lost Ones

Something is missing from Carl’s life. He arranges a clandestine meeting with two strangers he hopes can bring answers.

Nataly Fish

Zenobia’s Lost Ones

Zenobia’s Lost Ones

This outstanding short film is an introduction to the Reid family. This film is based on the novel, Lost Ones by author Zenobia. Zenobia’s Lost Ones will not disappoint. The common thread of secrets, lies and wanting love at any cost will leave you wanting more!

Nataly Fish

The Lost Ones

The Lost Ones

Kim is drifting through her pain, she lost her love and nothing will bring it back. Living in the decrepit ruins of her old life, she keeps her memories and herself locked away in a mess of an apartment, a mausoleum of her past. She has a plan to cure her pain, but in this modern haunted house tale, the darkness has bigger plans for her fate.

Nataly Fish

The Lost Ones

The Lost Ones

A day in the life story in which two innocent sisters are kidnapped by Mexican-American gangsters to be drug traffickers. Throughout the day they all find the need to rely on each other and become a family to survive the intense events that occur.

Nataly Fish

L'homme perdu

L'homme perdu

L'Allemagne, peu de temps après la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Le docteur Karl Rothe, qui a pris le nom de Neumeister, travaille dans un camp de réfugiés. Il voit un jour apparaître, sous le nom de Novak, son ancien collègue Hoesch. Les deux hommes partagent en commun un lourd passé.

Nataly Fish

Lost Ones

Lost Ones

The only time Maria feels liberated is when she is playing the organ. Bach’s music is something you feel in your gut. At home she bears the brunt of responsibility – both for her rebellious sister Hannah, two years her junior, who is busy planning her escape from the village, and for her father, Johann.

Nataly Fish

The Lost Ones

The Lost Ones

In the faceless city, The Lost Ones, have as a plea occupied the roofs. Standing on the cupola of a grave monument, looking towards the horizon, they declare their wish to be free, to think and feel, to exist.

Nataly Fish

The Lost Ones

The Lost Ones

Two young nationalists from Soviet Estonia falls under the influence of popular radio DJ Rudolf Talgre, who during the war collaborated with the Nazis and was proud of it and now settled in Sweden. However, one of the friends begins to doubt the correctness of the “voice”, which leads to a quarrel between friends ... After going through betraya..

Nataly Fish

All the Lost Ones

All the Lost Ones

A near-future civil war is sparked by government-imposed measures due to climate change.

Nataly Fish

Une de perdue

Une de perdue

After losing one of his socks for the umpteenth time, Thierry decides to sequester the one he has, to find the missing.

Nataly Fish

Once Upon a Time... Lost in Translation

Once Upon a Time... Lost in Translation

A documentary about the making of Lost in Translation.

Nataly Fish

One Hundred Times Lost

One Hundred Times Lost

Artur is in Lisbon for his holidays, wonders aimlessly, and is picked up by Rui, a young man who is into marketing and advertising. Joana is in Lisbon for holidays, but also trying to escape from a mysterious, dark passion. Artur and Joana come together, find common roots in their rural background.

Nataly Fish

Le jour où j'étais perdu

Le jour où j'étais perdu

La sonde Voyager s’apprête à quitter notre système solaire. Au même moment, sur Terre, Alain Diaw commence son premier jour de travail dans une grande entreprise automobile. Il revient de loin et vise lui aussi l’inconnu.

Nataly Fish

Lost Three Make One Found

Lost Three Make One Found

A Japanese man called Sushi sets off travelling in a camper that is the same age as him, in southern Portugal. He is looking for a legendary spring that could cure his broken heart. On the road, the door of his vehicle opens onto many encounters. Stumbling along, the people he meets and the drinks he shares will help him find his way and question w..

Nataly Fish

Soreyuke Flippers! The Lost Pictures and Three Plus One

Soreyuke Flippers! The Lost Pictures and Three Plus One

The "Wreath of Beauty" has been stolen! In broad daylight. The Flippers had returned. The Flippers (Keigo Oyamada and Kenji Ozawa), who looked up to the Seven Golden Men as their mentors, had a hundred tricks up their sleeve and never let their intended prey escape. One day, they make it look like they are filming a movie, and then they steal a mas..

Nataly Fish

The Reformers

The Reformers

Behold in this film the Uplifter, a peculiarity of the human species, quite convinced that all that is, is wrong. Forth to the uplift he minds everybody's business but his own, until that business is as clean, pure and spotless as himself. Verily in these later days is there no school of art named, "Minding One's Business."

Nataly Fish

Dad Has Lost His Mind

Dad Has Lost His Mind

Ahmed Saad is a businessmen who has many affairs, because his wife Fahima neglects herself and takes care of her home only. Ahmed meets artist Suzy and promises to marry. When his son Zaki finds out ,he sacrifices himself and marries her in order to stabilize the house and gives up his fiancee.

Nataly Fish

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