
Lock In

Lock In

When a menacing stranger traps a landlord and his pregnant daughter in their pub, a psychological game of cat and mouse begins.

Nataly Fish

Lock In

Lock In

What promises to be a stormy night of fun, costumes, and pranks turns deadly when a group of high school seniors, who are staging an elaborate senior prank, find themselves trapped on campus, tormented by someone from the town's dark past who's returned for bloody vengeance. One by one, the students disappear until only a few remain to battle the f..

Nataly Fish

The Lock In

The Lock In

In the spring of 2010, a church lock in at First Baptist Church was organized by Pastor Chris. In the first hour of the lock in, one of the students, Justin, had an unusual “incident” and was “inconsolable.” It was reported that he calmed down and kept to himself for the remainder of the event. Two days after the lock in, Justin reported..

Nataly Fish

The Lock-In

The Lock-In

After years of being pushed to the edge by vile customers, a pub landlord finally snaps and starts exacting his revenge - just as romance starts to blossom with the new barmaid.

Nataly Fish

Infinities Lock

Infinities Lock

A group of soldiers find themselves stuck in the forest in the first half of this not-at-all-inspired-by-Predator low-budgeted film from David Wascavage (Suburban Sasquatch), only to discover more sinister sci-fi plots afoot.

Nataly Fish



« J'ai trop la flemme ». C'était la phrase préférée de Nagi Seishirô, quand il menait une vie ennuyeuse et monotone… Seulement, tout a changé quand il a croisé le chemin de Reo Mikage, un élève de son école qui rêve de soulever la Coupe du monde. C'est ce dernier qui découvre le talent caché de Nagi et qui le pousse à jouer au foo..

Nataly Fish

Luck l'Intrépide

Luck l'Intrépide

Sur la planète Toa, vit un étrange berger aux cheveux verts, Luke. Bien qu'il ait l'aspect d'un adolescent, Luke est en réalité un ESPer, un être doté de puissants pouvoirs psychiques et qui a la capacité de modifier son apparence tout en restant éternellement jeune. Le colonel Ryu Yamaki , chef des services secrets de l'Armée Fédérale,..

Nataly Fish

Fat Freddy's Drop: LOCK-IN Concert Film

Fat Freddy's Drop: LOCK-IN Concert Film

The studio session was captured at the iconic Michael Fowler Centre in the band’s hometown of Wellington during the pandemic lockdown. Devoid of an audience, it’s a reflection of the surreal times that’s halted tour life 2020.

Nataly Fish

Sous les verrous

Sous les verrous

Dennis est en prison. À travers les barreaux de sa cellule, il aperçoit Mike, un détenu black américain. Sous les regards des gardiens et autres prisonniers, commence une relation passionnée entre les deux hommes. Mais, certains prisonniers jaloux de ne pas profiter des faveurs de Dennis, vont lui faire subir les pires sévices...

Nataly Fish

Wrist Lock: The Martial Arts' Influence on Police Use of Force

Wrist Lock: The Martial Arts' Influence on Police Use of Force

Join Master Martial Artist and retired Police Sergeant Jon Gentile, along with a group of high level Martial Artists and police trainers, on a journey to discover how the Marital Arts has influenced police use of force tactics, and how training can be improved in a manner that will create proficient and physically fit law enforcement officers capab..

Nataly Fish

Door Lock

Door Lock

Jo Kyeong-min vit seule dans un studio. Un jour, elle trouve des preuves que quelqu'un est entré par effraction dans son appartement. Une affaire de meurtre a eu lieu chez elle.

Nataly Fish

Enfermés dehors

Enfermés dehors

Sans domicile fixe, Roland trouve par hasard un uniforme de policier. Affamé, il l'enfile pour aller manger à la cantine d'un commissariat de police, où il croise une jeune femme sublime et désespérée, dont la belle-famille refuse de lui rendre son enfant à cause de son passé. Ce combat devient la raison d'exister de notre héros, qui déc..

Nataly Fish

Locke the Superman: New World Command

Locke the Superman: New World Command

Azalea has been residing on the Colony-Planet of Dinahl, and she can't recall anything about herself until she hears a voice calling her name. Then there is another voice summoning her to go to a park on top of a skyscraper. Once she arrives there, she meets up with other people who also have no recollection of who they are or what they were doing ..

Nataly Fish

Lock-On Love

Lock-On Love

An endearingly inept guy who has killer looks but zero experience with girls falls in love with a hard-to-get beauty.

Nataly Fish

Locked in Society

Locked in Society

On a Friday afternoon, there was an unexpected knock on the door of the staff room of a city high school. An ambitious father is willing to go to extremes to get his son admitted to high school. The six teachers who are still at school so shortly before the start of the weekend now have to find out the hard way. After some unexpected twists and emb..

Nataly Fish

Female Prisoner: Sexual Body in Lock-Up

Female Prisoner: Sexual Body in Lock-Up

Minako was imprisoned in a detention center as a thug who killed her sister and brother-in-law, but what she saw there was far worse than any crime she has been accused off

Nataly Fish

Lock Up Your Daughters

Lock Up Your Daughters

Dr. Raafat faces challenges and difficulties in raising his three daughters, Fawzia (Sanaa Younis), Soso (Shreihan) and Nadia (Ijlal Zaki).

Nataly Fish

The Locked Room Murders SP

The Locked Room Murders SP

Erika Toda joins a law firm headed by Serizawa-san, on the first case she meets Enomoto Kei of Tokyo total security who unlocks Serizawa who has accidentally been trapped in a vault. Form thereon the trio solve 10 cases related to the locked room. Enomoto always makes a small scale model and thinks technically in terms of security and locks to solv..

Nataly Fish

Le Baron de l'écluse

Le Baron de l'écluse

Baron d'Empire, aristocrate déchu, héros de la guerre de 14, Antoine vit d'expédients, d'affaires vagues, de relations fortunées, n'ayant gardé de son monde que l'élégance et la séduction.

Nataly Fish

Locked on You

Locked on You

Quand son penchant pour le bavardage lui cause des ennuis, un vendeur de boulettes malchanceux fuit Istanbul pour une île somptueuse où l'attend une nouvelle vie.

Nataly Fish

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