


Katie and Jake want to keep things platonic, too bad the teenage ghost haunting their new apartment has other plans!

Nataly Fish



Dans les bas-fonds de Hong-Kong, un flic vétéran et son jeune supérieur doivent faire équipe pour arrêter un tueur qui s’attaque aux femmes, laissant leur main coupée pour seule signature. Quand toutes leurs pistes s’essoufflent, ils décident d’utiliser une jeune délinquante comme appât.

Nataly Fish

Through the Weeping Glass: On the Consolations of Life Everlasting (Limbos & Afterbreezes in the Mütter Museum)

Through the Weeping Glass: On the Consolations of Life Everlasting (Limbos & Afterbreezes in the Mütter Museum)

A documentary on the subject of the collections of books, instruments and medical anomalies at The College of Physicians of Philadelphia and the Mutter Museum housed there. This short film represents the first to be made by the internationally recognized Quay Brothers in the United States. While not a stop-motion animation film, a form for which th..

Nataly Fish

Lucía en el limbo

Lucía en el limbo

Une adolescente se débat avec des poux et un harceleur dans un bus.

Nataly Fish



Cosimo, an impetuous and idealistic scion of an aristocratic family, has decided to leave his home and live alone in the woods, rejecting society and his parents, whom he deeply loathes. On Christmas Eve, his twin brother Biagio goes looking for him in the depths of the forest to convince him to return home, even if only for one night.

Nataly Fish

7 Limbos

7 Limbos

Seven masked groups interact with several landscapes. They wear clothes with fossils drawn on their back, carrying the identity of a buried memory. They use their bodies to hit the cities, provoking vibrations in the architectural structures and modifying the soundscape of their habitants. They listen the collapse of the silenced ruins, while watch..

Nataly Fish

Limbo Limbo Travel

Limbo Limbo Travel

Dans un pays ou les hommes semblent plus intéressés par leurs gadgets électroniques que par leurs semblables, un groupe de femmes solitaires prend le Limbo Limbo Bus. Direction un pays exotique lointain, avec l’espoir d’y trouver le bonheur tant espéré. Elles débarquent sur une île habitée par une tribu d’hommes paisibles et moustachu..

Nataly Fish



Le léopard se couchera près du chevreau. Le loup habitera avec l’agneau. Et le jeune garçon les conduira. 
12 + 1 enfants et la carcasse d'une baleine échouée...

Nataly Fish



A film by Gianfranco Baruchello

Nataly Fish

In Limbo

In Limbo

Russia's invasion of Ukraine finds Alina in Irpien, near Kiev. She is alone, with her leg in a cast after recent surgery. She manages to escape with her cat from a bombed and cut off city in one of the last evacuation groups. She reaches a cottage in a nearby village where her parents are stuck. For the first weeks they try to live normally. Her mo..

Nataly Fish



On Christmas Eve, Manuela Paris returns home to a seaside town near Rome. She has been absent for some time, ever since she left - still a girl - to be a soldier. With determination and sacrifice, Manuela laboriously built the life she dreamed of, until she became an army non-commissioned officer and platoon commander in an advanced base in the Afg..

Nataly Fish



‘Limbo’ immerses viewers to the inside of a tunnel slide in a waterpark while the narration tells a story of a divided self, separated into a version from the past and the present. This schizophrenic condition of an imaginary and non-specific authorial self is caused by self-shaming and guilt of the regrettable past, which can be experienced in..

Nataly Fish

In Limbo

In Limbo

This is the story of two sixteen-year-olds, Alexandra Makarova and Danila Krasnov, who are fighting for their love and their right to be themselves. In order to be together, they must escape from their homes, go into hiding, and lead a double life. Trying to protect their freedom of choice and their individuality, they cross the line and turn into ..

Nataly Fish



Unwilling to process a near-fatal car accident, an overworked director arrives late to the set of his horror film to find that most of the crew has left. Determined to complete the film, he and the remaining crew find out that his trauma from the accident refuses to let him go that easily.

Nataly Fish



Endless cycle of LIMBO

Nataly Fish

Born in Limbo

Born in Limbo

A story revolving around a small nation during the warring states era. It was a dangerous time in the land as people were dying from the plague. The godly doctor and his students Jiao Long and Zong Bao head to the area to offer medical assistance. Unbeknownst to the them, the tragedy is caused by the King's insatiable greed to obtain the fountain ..

Nataly Fish



An oneiric journey through Alex’s life as a former FARC guerrilla leads to a reckoning with the devil inside of him. Alex tells his story of war and its legacy inside of a truck transformed into a camera obscura, a space where dreams suffuse with reality and a life in limbo is illuminated.

Nataly Fish

In Limbo

In Limbo

Life in spite of everything.

Nataly Fish



Illusion, Karma, Apocalypse, Autism. A passenger finds himself being trapped inside a game of gods.

Nataly Fish

Dans les Limbes

Dans les Limbes

La voix d’un esprit mystérieux se réveille dans les méandres des centres de données de notre réseau mondial. C’est comme s’il ne restait plus sur terre que cette immense machine, sans cesse entrain d’enregistrer nos souvenirs. En plongeant dans sa mémoire, elle nous emmène à la rencontre de personnages fantomatiques tels que les pè..

Nataly Fish

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