
Like a Brother

Like a Brother

At a Labor Day picnic, a gay teenager struggles to keep his cool as his best friend brags about the size of his muscles and other attributes.

Nataly Fish

Comme un frère

Comme un frère

Sébastien débarque de son petit village à Paris, où il commence à explorer le milieu gay.

Nataly Fish

Comme un frère

Comme un frère

An unspoken conflict is affecting the relationship between two brothers. Will Simon and Robin find the courage to talk about their issue?

Nataly Fish

Comme des frères

Comme des frères

Depuis que Charlie n’est plus là, la vie de Boris, Elie et Maxime a volé en éclats. Ces trois hommes que tout sépare avaient pour Charlie un amour singulier. Elle était leur sœur, la femme de leur vie ou leur pote, c’était selon. Sauf que Charlie est morte et que ça, ni Boris, homme d’affaires accompli, ni Elie, scénariste noctambule..

Nataly Fish

When My Mother's Brother Was Born, It Smelled Like Wild Pear Blossom in Front of the Brown-Burnt Sill

When My Mother's Brother Was Born, It Smelled Like Wild Pear Blossom in Front of the Brown-Burnt Sill

The video drifts between reason and dream and, like the installation, floats between earth and sky. Rist tries to give answers to such questions as ‘How much of what you see and hear comes from outside and how much is constructed by your brain? Why does your hair grow out of your head as if your skull was a cornfield?’.

Nataly Fish

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