
Life is But a Dream

Life is But a Dream

Ce film de 21 minutes, commandé par Apple, et tourné avec un iPhone 13 pro. Il raconte l'histoire d'un croque-mort qui a besoin de bois pour construire un cercueil pour le sauveur de son village. Il déterre une tombe abandonnée et réveille le fantôme d'un ancien épéiste.

Nataly Fish

Life Is But a Dream

Life Is But a Dream

Pendant près d’une heure et demie, Beyoncé nous invite dans son monde, après la sortie de son album 4, pendant sa grossesse et après la naissance de son premier enfant.

Nataly Fish

Life Is But a Dream

Life Is But a Dream

To escape from the dictates of contemporary capitalist society, an ultra-Orthodox American Jew moves with his family to a small illegal Israeli outpost in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, joining – for advantage and convenience – a "human avant-garde" that is an essential tool for the development and operation of the colonial mechanism. In..

Nataly Fish

Paul Rusch: His Life and Dream

Paul Rusch: His Life and Dream

An animated film about Paul Rusch, an American missionary who helped build churches, schools, hospitals in Japan and overall helped improve life in rural areas of Japan along with soothing post-WW2 relations between the two countries.

Nataly Fish

Life Is But an Empty Dream

Life Is But an Empty Dream

The movie depicts various stories of show operating staff members working for rock festivals, who always dream of performing on the stage themselves. Dong-wan has been working for the Pentaport Rock Festival for 5 years. He is also a member of a music band dreaming about performing at the festival. In reality, however, it doesn’t seem like his d..

Nataly Fish

Life, as a Dream

Life, as a Dream

Five Chinese workers recount their dreams. Their nocturnal suffering reflects their difficult and precarious professional experiences. ZHAO Xu builds a deft and disturbing mise en abyme that conveys a surreal sensation, comparable to that caused by a science-fiction film, overtaken by reality.

Nataly Fish

Dreams in Life

Dreams in Life

Two factory workers from the outskirts of São Paulo make a trip to a bathhouse close to the city.

Nataly Fish

La vie rêvée

La vie rêvée

Deux femmes d'une vingtaine d'années rêvent de l'homme idéal et réalisent peu à peu que la réalité est bien différente de leurs fantasmes.

Nataly Fish

Life Is Dream

Life Is Dream

At the end of the 1960s, Vanesa’s parents fled the Franco-regime’s deep poverty to pursue their dream in the Netherlands. Working their blue-collar jobs for hours and hours, for over 45 years, their purpose was to return to Spain wealthy and comfortable. There, in a house full of Dutch porcelain and shiny gold, they can now finally rest. Vanesa..

Nataly Fish

Life is a Dream

Life is a Dream

A silent movie by Robert Wiene

Nataly Fish

Mémoire des apparences

Mémoire des apparences

Préparation d'un pièce de théâtre qui raconte l'histoire d'un homme qui, s'endormant plusieurs fois lors de séances de cinéma, se met à rêver et se surprend à vivre une réalité proche de ses songes.

Nataly Fish

The Life We Dreamt Of

The Life We Dreamt Of

Antwerp. Someone is making a feature film. After shooting the scenes on location, the filmmaker wanders to the railway station. He's having difficulties with his material, it's a commissioned film. The story is giving him trouble too. But he cannot abandon the project. He now wants to introduce a male character so that he can explain his problems.

Nataly Fish

The Life We Dreamt Of

The Life We Dreamt Of

A man tries to survive in a lonely, abandoned and different world

Nataly Fish

Dreams, Life, Death of Filip Filipović

Dreams, Life, Death of Filip Filipović

The life and death of an educated communist activist who brought Bolshevik ideas to his native Serbia upon his arrival from Russia at the beginning of the 20th century.

Nataly Fish

Once I Dreamt Of Life

Once I Dreamt Of Life

Every day in Finland alone, two people commit suicide. Thousands of people are affected by suicide yearly. Once I Dreamt of Life is a feature length documentary film about suicide. It’s an account about one’s personal relation to suicide, but also studies suicide as social phenomena: The motives, warning signs & consequences. The film foll..

Nataly Fish

Harald Szeemann: Notes on the life of a dreamer

Harald Szeemann: Notes on the life of a dreamer

A biographical documentary exploring the utopian ideas of Harald Szeemann, the man who revolutionized the art exhibitions world.

Nataly Fish

Life, a Dream. Seven Ways to Say Goodbye

Life, a Dream. Seven Ways to Say Goodbye

Personal document in which celebrated film veteran Kees Hin is portrayed in the final phase of life by his former apprentice and good friend Diego Gutiérrez. Their collaboration results in this compilation of seven short films, in which Gutiérrez invites the viewer to witness the gifted mind of 83-year-old Hin trying to stay active, creative and ..

Nataly Fish

Life is a Dream We’ll Wake up & Scream
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