
Late Bloomer

Late Bloomer

When Therese learns that her days are numbered, she seeks the help of her friend Maddie to find guys to have sex with, but she soon discovers her real sexual cravings.

Nataly Fish

D'amour et d'orchidée

D'amour et d'orchidée

Jenny Taft, botaniste, a parcouru le monde entier avec son petit ami Owen pour dénicher une fleur rare, l'orchidée du cœur. Selon la légende, celle-ci ne peut fleurir que lorsque deux personnes trouvent le grand amour. Alors que des impératifs familiaux la ramènent dans sa ville natale, Jenny croise Shane, le garçon dont elle était secrète..

Nataly Fish

Late Bloomer

Late Bloomer

Loosely based on the dark tales of HP Lovecraft, "Late Bloomer" is a compelling and humorous journey through a young boy's first sexual education class.

Nataly Fish

The Late Bloomer

The Late Bloomer

Après l'ablation d'une tumeur, un jeune trentenaire entre enfin dans la puberté...

Nataly Fish

Late Bloomer

Late Bloomer

Yeonji a 15 ans aujourd’hui, et ses amis lui réservent une surprise.

Nataly Fish

3 fois 20 ans

3 fois 20 ans

Dans une comédie romantique, un homme et une femme s’aiment mais tout les oppose. Alors, malgré la force des sentiments, ils se séparent pour mieux se retrouver. C’est ce qui va arriver à Mary et Adam. Mais Mary et Adam n’ont pas les habituels vingt ou trente ans, ils en ont presque soixante. Cette soixantaine élégante et dynamique de n..

Nataly Fish

Late Bloomer

Late Bloomer

A naive and wide-eyed girl moves into a dorm with her best friend. As her friend grows up and moves on, she fights to maintain her relationship with her, while also struggling to come of age on her own terms.

Nataly Fish

Late Bloomer

Late Bloomer

Sean is a loser, spending his summer shoveling sawdust and wasting away. His best mate forms a plan to dig them out their rut until Sean falls for a local girl who quickly drags him (and his mind) back down into the gutter.

Nataly Fish

Late Bloomers

Late Bloomers

Louise, an aimless, 28 year-old Brooklynite, recently single, sort of a musician, depressed without admitting to it, drunkenly falls while doing something stupid and breaks her hip. This lands her in a physical therapy ward full of people twice her age. There, she meets Antonina - a cranky elderly Polish woman, who speaks no English. Louise gets a ..

Nataly Fish

Eclosion Tardive

Eclosion Tardive

Une rencontre peut-elle faire basculer votre vie ? Quand Dinah la prof de basket tombe amoureuse de Carly la secrétaire de l'école, l'indignation fait rage de la classe jusqu'aux vestiaires, du bureau du principal à l'association des parents d'élèves. Leur relation résistera-t-elle à la pression ? Jusqu'où iront Dinah et Carly pour prouver ..

Nataly Fish

Les mamies ne font pas dans la dentelle

Les mamies ne font pas dans la dentelle

Alors qu'elle a perdu toute joie de vivre suite à la mort de son mari, l'octogénaire Martha se laisse convaincre par son amie Lisi de réaliser le rêve de cette dernière: ouvrir un magasin de lingerie fine. Hélas, les représentants de l'église et les politiciens de ce village de l'Emmenthal ne l'entendent pas de la même oreille. Charmante c..

Nataly Fish

Late Bloomers

Late Bloomers

Sue and Ellie share an unspoken love that is gradually transforming into something much deeper, sweeter and more meaningful. Often when we are the ones closest to the truth, we are the very last people to see it.

Nataly Fish

Leo the Late Bloomer

Leo the Late Bloomer

"What's the matter with Leo?" his father asks when Leo can't read, write, draw, eat neatly, or speak. "He's just a late bloomer", explains his mother. And sure enough, one day in his own good time, Leo shows everyone how glorious it is to finally bloom.

Nataly Fish

Granny Queer - The Late Bloomers

Granny Queer - The Late Bloomers

Granny Queer and her voluptuous girlfriend Sharlene are enjoying a nice wee Saturday morning lie-in when Granny sees that Sharlene's bloomers have gone missing from the line. Granny suspects their mysterious new neighbour Mr. Wit has something to do with it, and she's determined to get to the bottom of the matter.

Nataly Fish

Late Bloomer

Late Bloomer

Late Bloomer is the pastoral romance of an eternal recurrence. Director's talent to plea for love without any dialogue would touch the hearts of audiences. The old man's day out which at first seemed like the ordinary visit of his family's graves turns out to be the poem about the everlasting love. Actor Yoo Soon-cheol wrote this poem with his old ..

Nataly Fish

Late B(l)oomer

Late B(l)oomer

Jul just got laid off and chose to pursue his old dream. It comes with a price however, as he has to face his daughter’s expectations that she had set for him.

Nataly Fish

Late Bloomer

Late Bloomer

Late Bloomer is the story of Sumida-san, a severely handicapped man, and his downward spiral into hell.

Nataly Fish

Still Single

Still Single

Two still single career women in their late 30's seek refuge in each other with their biological clocks ticking and life choices in question. Feeling ostracized by their successful, married-with-kids friends, and the mounting pressure of societal norms telling them they "should" have it all by now, they brazenly chase the fairytale, while navigatin..

Nataly Fish

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