
Last Call

Last Call

Un chasseur de têtes dont la carrière est à son apogée s'apprête à prendre la tête de son entreprise quand son fils de dix ans tombe gravement malade.

Nataly Fish

Last Call

Last Call

Anikó Kárpáti, 61 ans, passe son dernier jour à Budapest, avant de rejoindre sa fille qui vit à l‘étranger.

Nataly Fish

Dernier appel pour Istanbul

Dernier appel pour Istanbul

Après une rencontre fortuite à l'aéroport, deux personnes mariées passent une nuit mémorable à New York, empreinte de désir et de tentation.

Nataly Fish

Last Calls

Last Calls

Tal finds the mobile phone of her older sister who died 6 months ago. She starts dialing the last numbers on the phone's memory, trying to piece together moments from her sister's last day. When she reaches a man who is sure he's speaking to her sister, she finds herself sinking deeper than expected.

Nataly Fish

Last Call

Last Call

When André, Bart and David go to do odd jobs in an old farmhouse, they no longer appear immortal. They alternate leaden seriousness with limp nattering, but that doesn't escape the fact that they are getting older.

Nataly Fish

Débarquement Immédiat !

Débarquement Immédiat !

C'est l'histoire d'un flic de la police des frontières qui ramène un gars dans son pays, sauf que ce n'est pas le bon gars et ce n'est pas le bon pays...

Nataly Fish

Last Call

Last Call

A real estate developer returns to his old Philly neighborhood and must decide to raze or resurrect the family bar.

Nataly Fish

The Last Call

The Last Call

Turmoil becomes the order of the day when a Mexican theatrical company begins its rehearsals of absurdist philosopher Albert Camus's “Caligula” for an influential upcoming international theater festival.

Nataly Fish

The Last Roll-Call

The Last Roll-Call

In October 1941 the Nazis decide to crush a rebellion in Serbia by mass shootings of civilians. In the city of Kragujevac thousands of people, including entire high school classes, were rounded up and shot in one day. The movie follows the fate of one of such classes.

Nataly Fish

Last Call

Last Call

Nadia, who is in her 40s, is a new airport ground staff. In her first week on the job, she must deal with a stubborn elderly passenger who arrives late for check-in and insists on travelling to attend his daughter’s wedding.

Nataly Fish

À la conquête de Titan

À la conquête de Titan

Titan, la plus grosse lune de Saturne, a pu livrer ses secrets grâce à la mission spatiale Cassini-Huygens qui a duré 13 ans. Après un voyage de 7 ans, l'orbiteur Cassini a réussi à envoyer une sonde, Huygens, se poser sur Titan à plus d’un milliard et demi de kilomètres de la Terre. À ce jour, Titan reste le corps céleste le plus loint..

Nataly Fish

Last Call

Last Call

A girl must be saved from comitting suicide through the power of love. And all that cannot happen without a series of comic situations.

Nataly Fish

Last Casting Call

Last Casting Call

Last Casting Call focuses on actress Chen Meng, who has been drifting for five years but has not achieved much. She is disheartened and prepares to leave Beijing but she suddenly receives an invitation to audition for a new director’s debut film. Could this be the “big break” she was waiting for? Burdened by her past experiences in the Chines..

Nataly Fish

The Last Call

The Last Call

The movie is deals with fear about climate change

Nataly Fish

Last Call

Last Call

It's Saturday night and Mrdja, Piki and Sale want to have a good time. Everything they need is a robbery, a party and a gun.

Nataly Fish

Last Call

Last Call

He hears the 'click'. Lowers his head. Damn. He is standing on a mine. If he moves, it will explode. How will he get through this ? He doesn't have much time left... He hesitates. Waits. He's exhausted. It's time for the last call. He dials a number into his mobile phone, hoping to hear a little voice. That voice, at this precise moment in time, se..

Nataly Fish

Last Call

Last Call

Old entertainer gets a last chance to play a serious role.

Nataly Fish

Last Call

Last Call

Iceland is the smallest nation ever to qualify for the World Cup, and the team and its incredible story have caught the attention of the entire world. But is it possible that the same forces that turned these boys into heroes also got the nation into trouble during the 2008 financial crisis? Through the players themselves and others, we learn what ..

Nataly Fish

The Last Call

The Last Call

Nataly Fish

Dernière Alerte, 40 ans après « Les Limites de la croissance »

Dernière Alerte, 40 ans après « Les Limites de la croissance »

Commandé au MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) par le club de Rome, l'essai "Halte à la croissance" a dénoncé le premier les conséquences dévastatrices de la croissance de la population sur les ressources de la planète. Son message est aujourd'hui plus que d'actualité : une croissance sans freins n'est pas viable. Quarante ans apr..

Nataly Fish

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