
Chaste Susan

Chaste Susan

The young wife of an officer who, in reality, has several lovers receives an award for virtue.

Nataly Fish

La casta Susana

La casta Susana

The wife of an officer receives a "prize for virtue" from one of her many lovers, causing several misunderstandings.

Nataly Fish

L'Auberge des plaisirs

L'Auberge des plaisirs

En 1809, Napoléon vient de demander la main de Marie-Louise d'Autriche, mais des complots s'ourdissent contre lui: Le Comte Hadrien d'Am-Bras regroupe dans son chateau tous les ennemis de l'Empereur, et Pauline Bonaparte tente d'empêcher l'union de son frère avec Marie-Louise afin que celui-ci meurt sans héritier.

Nataly Fish

The Chaste Susanne

The Chaste Susanne

Naughty Susanne leads an exciting double life between her hometown and Paris: in the provincial nest she is considered the ever virtuous and down to earth girl, while in the cosmopolitan city she always escapes to, she is the queen of the night, sophisticated and seductive. In Paris, she meets René and begins to recruit him, but she has a noble co..

Nataly Fish

Sexy Susan Sins Again

Sexy Susan Sins Again

The German innkeeper Susan, now leading an acting troupe, travels to Italy and uses feminine wiles to undo an assassination plot against Napoleon, and rescue a local count (a great romancer) from his own enemies.

Nataly Fish

The Landlady Also Likes to Play the Trumpet

The Landlady Also Likes to Play the Trumpet

Susanne is the hostess who gives comfort to the visitors to her hotel. All of the vices in the country are heavily taxed, including drinking and making love. Susanne and a group of nude women try to give some relief to the beleaguered and overtaxed clientele.

Nataly Fish

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