
The Black Sheep

The Black Sheep

The Trevino family tries to overcome the irresponsible behavior of Don Cruz, an erratic father with numerous defects that contrast with his son Silvano, a young kid man that is incapable of passing judgment on his own father.

Nataly Fish

La Oveja Negra

La Oveja Negra

A group of thieves and outcasts are living in a big abandoned movie theater where they have created a very friendly and very particular universe. The police will use all its resources to violate their space, but again and again fail in their attempts.

Nataly Fish

La oveja negra

La oveja negra

Nataly Fish

Le Mouton noir

Le Mouton noir

La campagne pour l'élection du gouverneur de l'Etat de Washington bat son plein. Al Donnelly, un brillant politicien, compte bien faire mordre la poussière à la titulaire, Evelyn Tracy. Son plus gros handicap pourrait bien être l'encombrant enthousiasme de son frère, Mike, un véritable malchanceux. Or, Mike dirige le centre de loisirs de Buck..

Nataly Fish

The Black Sheep

The Black Sheep

Mario and Filippo are two twin brothers, the honorable one want to bring morality back into Italian political life, as president of the Commission for the investigation of corruption. The other brother is a cynical trickster.

Nataly Fish

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