


Vincent Bruce, un vétéran de la guerre, commence à travailler comme ergothérapeute au Poplar Lodge, un établissement psychiatrique privé pour personnes fortunées, où il rencontre Lilith Arthur, une charmante jeune femme souffrant de schizophrénie, dont la beauté fragile captive tous ceux qui la rencontrent.

Nataly Fish



Demon Lilith punishes men for their indiscretions against women.

Nataly Fish



A contemporary take on Dante's 'Inferno,' 'Lilith' is the story of Sarah Wilson, who finds herself haunted by visions of her tragically murdered younger sister, Lilith. After a night of surreal terror, Sarah is led by her visions of her dead sister into a hellish labyrinth populated by bloodthirsty demons and bedeviled ghosts from her past. Her jou..

Nataly Fish



Lilith would have been the first woman of humanity, but she was expelled from heaven and doomed forever for opposing the patriarchal system of the kingdom of heaven. Now she is back, with her servants and her thirst for vengeance to destroy the order created by God and the Devil.

Nataly Fish



The mythological story of the first woman on Earth, who came before Eve. She is created by God to be Adam’s wife. However, Lilith does not accept a position of inferiority in relation to man, she rebels and goes to the desert. Lilith reappears as Eve’s double, eats the forbidden fruit, takes revenge on Adam, on God, and becomes the first woman ..

Nataly Fish



A family sequester themselves in a high-rise apartment after the mysterious death of their daughter Lilith. Haunted by the ghosts of their past, the survivor's lies, deceits and strange behaviour will have you asking: who killed Lilith and who will be next?

Nataly Fish



Une adolescente renverse un piéton après avoir pris la voiture alcoolisée.

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish



Against a field of swaying and halting yellow vegetation, another processed field: the image of the eponymous subject (performed by painter Doris Cross) riles and emits unintelligibly to the viewer. Conjuring the mystical biblical character Lilith, Steina's video layers both sound and image to produce an ever-shifting, frustrated presence.

Nataly Fish



A young woman suffers from insomnia caused by her hunger. Trying to satisfy that need, she eats something she's not used to.

Nataly Fish



There are nightmares that arise from internal storms that we try to ignore and that we stoically endure for a long time. But sometimes we wake up, and what we see, and what we hear above all, is part of another reality in which you are not alone when you understood that you were. Are you afraid when you don't know if what you are experiencing can..

Nataly Fish



The mysterious Lilith hasn't left her room in weeks, but a video call with her boyfriend Julien helps her to come out of her shell.

Nataly Fish



A vampire wants to live in a city that doesn't want her.

Nataly Fish



A music film of the song "Lilith" by the italian band VIOLENT SCENES. A collage of movie clips, photos and pictures about nature, love and mistery, with Ernst Haeckel, Goethe, F. W. Murnau, Giorgione, Andrea del Castagno, Paolo Uccello, Piero della Francesca, Pisanello, Aby Warburg, Edward S. Curtis and Jean Cocteau.

Nataly Fish



Ana escapes through the forest pursued by Lilith, who is looking to steal her last breath.

Nataly Fish

For Lilith

For Lilith

In the hands of a young filmmaker, a Handycam primarily used for homemade family movies transforms into a tool for self-reflection. Compilations of personal archives and images from the subconscious prompt us to embark on a journey of re-examining gender-identity formation in a conservative, post-Soviet Republic of Georgia.

Nataly Fish



5 jeunes filles, élèves dans une université catholique, réveillent l'esprit de Lilith, la première femme d'Adam et mère de tous les démons...

Nataly Fish

Lilith, a Vampire who Comes BackI

Lilith, a Vampire who Comes BackI

Lusilla Helm has to marry Baron Ludwig Von Reder against her will. But her honeymoon does not last very long. The poor girl dies and is buried inside the family tomb. After a short while, another woman announces herself at the doors of the baron's mansion. Her looks recall Lusilla's but in a disturbing way. As soon as the mysterious woman sets foot..

Nataly Fish

Sons of Lilith

Sons of Lilith

Vengeance lies upon the snowy mountains of Eresfjord when the unhinged Ask E. Laedden returns to his cabin 15 years after the spine-chilling night that scarred him for life.

Nataly Fish

Lilith and Ly

Lilith and Ly

In this apparently lost film an inventor uses a strange jewel to bring to life a statue of Lilith, and falls in love with her. Soon, however, she begins to appear on a screen, also developed by the inventor, which reveals her to be a vampire who is slowly sucking his life essence from him, causing him to gradually fade away. He realizes the situati..

Nataly Fish

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