


There's no definitive separation as long as there is memory'. Since the Tsunami hit the northern part of Japan's coast in 2011, more than 20 thousand people lost their lives, and many others are still missing. As time went by the families of the victims abandoned all hope and stopped looking for their loved ones. However, this is the story of two m..

Nataly Fish



Experimental short by Tina Hochkogler.

Nataly Fish



A fish breaks free from an unfamiliar world.

Nataly Fish

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga shitai ! Le Film

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga shitai ! Le Film

Yûta rentre au lycée et il n’a qu’une préoccupation, réussir son intégration. Et pour s’assurer que tout se passe comme il l’entend, il tire un trait sur son passé et tourne le dos au chûnibyô. Il s’agit d’un mal qui atteint certains adolescents : leur imagination débordante les transporte dans un univers fictif. Yûta renie sa..

Nataly Fish

Koi Mil Gaya

Koi Mil Gaya

Sanjay est un grand physicien qui étudie l'existence des extra-terrestres. Sur le point de faire une découverte capitale, il est victime, avec son épouse enceinte, d'un accident de voiture au cours duquel il décède. Vingt ans plus tard, Rohit qui est resté attardé mental suite à l'accident, vit avec sa mère. Ami des enfants, il est néanmo..

Nataly Fish

Koi Jaane Na

Koi Jaane Na

Un écrivain au cœur brisé, aux prises avec le syndrome de la page blanche, se rend dans une station de montagne tranquille où il retrouve l'amour. Mais il découvre qu'un tueur en série, mystérieusement devenu vivant, tue tout le monde autour de lui.

Nataly Fish

Boku wa imouto ni koi wo suru

Boku wa imouto ni koi wo suru

Voici l'histoire d'un amour interdit. Ce film raconte l'histoire de deux jumeaux: Yuri et Iku. Ils fréquentent le même lycée, la même chambre et s'entendent tous les deux plutôt bien. Or voici que Yori commence à se montrer plus distant envers sa sœur qui ne comprend pas son comportement. Tout s'explique lorsque l'on connait la nature des se..

Nataly Fish

Les chiens ne portent pas de pantalon

Les chiens ne portent pas de pantalon

Juha a perdu sa femme dans une noyade accidentelle des années plus tôt et il n’est jamais parvenu à surmonter cette perte. Des années plus tard, alors qu’il cède à un caprice de sa fille et l’emmène se faire percer la langue, il fait la rencontre d’une dominatrice...

Nataly Fish

Otome Nadeshiko Koi Techou

Otome Nadeshiko Koi Techou

L'histoire suit une jeune fille de 16 ans qui vit son premier amour pendant la période Taisho au Japon (1912-1926).

Nataly Fish

Umibe no Koibito

Umibe no Koibito

As men and women around the age of 30 struggle to reach their dreams, they also go through trial and error in love. This work, which depicts the encounter and parting of such a man and woman.

Nataly Fish

Allmen und das Geheimnis des Koi

Allmen und das Geheimnis des Koi

Johann Friedrich von Allmen and his partner Carlos get caught up in a new adventure in which the disappearance of a very valuable koi plays a crucial role.

Nataly Fish

Neeme Järvi. Only Music Matters

Neeme Järvi. Only Music Matters

Neeme Järvi is one of the most recorded conductors in the world. His name appears on the front cover of more than 500 audio records. In addition to his international reach and being the chief conductor of several world orchestras, he also has a mission as a cultural ambassador. The film follows Neeme Järvi's recent activities - a concert tour wit..

Nataly Fish

Koi Koi: The Myth

Koi Koi: The Myth

An opinionated student embarks on a self appointed mission to unravel a mystery that overtakes an all-girls boarding school but she is grossly ill-prepared for the evil that lurks within.

Nataly Fish



The film is based on the hokku Mibu no Tadamine. The recently arisen feeling of falling in love with the main character becomes the object of discussion of his acquaintances.

Nataly Fish

Koichiro Uno's Wet and Swinging

Koichiro Uno's Wet and Swinging

A high school girl has a crush on the leader of the girls tennis team. But off court she always ends up scoring with the boys. A parody of Aim for the Ace! (エースを狙え Ace wo nerae!?), a tennis manga.

Nataly Fish

Koichiro Uno's Wet and Riding

Koichiro Uno's Wet and Riding

Yoko is a housewife who's frustrated by her husband's lack of virility. She finds solace in erotic daydreams, the ministrations of a condom salesman and, eventually, the partner-swapping lifestyle.

Nataly Fish

Uno Koichiro no momosaguri

Uno Koichiro no momosaguri

Nataly Fish

Koi Aap Sa

Koi Aap Sa

An emotional Mumbai-based football player, Rohan (Shivdasani), seeks the assistance of childhood friend, Simran (Reddy), to successfully woo fellow-collegian, Preeti (Sharma). Simran herself is about to be engaged to U.S-based Vicky (Malik). After the engagement ceremony, Vicky returns back to the U.S - not realising that back in India nothing is t..

Nataly Fish

Koichiro Uno's Yummy and Meaty

Koichiro Uno's Yummy and Meaty

Nataly Fish

Liyuu Concert TOUR2023 「LOVE in koii」

Liyuu Concert TOUR2023 「LOVE in koii」

Liyuu's first live tour, which took place from April to May 2023. This release contains all footage of the Kanagawa concert held at the National Grand Hall Pacifico Yokohama on April 23rd.

Nataly Fish

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