
Killer Among Us

Killer Among Us

Le 4 juillet, un tueur en série traverse une crise morale lorsqu'il découvre que sa dernière victime est une lycéenne. Simultanément, un flic débutant et un détective chevronné se lancent dans une course contre la montre pour lui sauver la vie.

Nataly Fish

L'Insupportable Soupçon

L'Insupportable Soupçon

Hélène Carleton, 45 ans, mère de trois enfants, est assassinée en plein jour de quatre balles en pleine tête. Au bout de trois mois d'enquête infructueuse, la police classe l'affaire. Mais l'inspecteur en charge de l'affaire ne s'avoue pas vaincu et poursuit en secret ses investigations, aidé par Alex, 17 ans, la fille aînée de la défunte..

Nataly Fish

BTK: A Killer Among Us

BTK: A Killer Among Us

For 31 years Dennis Rader aka BTK killer was able to live a double life. This documentary chronicle's comprehensive interviews with law enforcement, victim's family members, reporters and his daughter Kerri Rawson.

Nataly Fish

A Killer Among Us

A Killer Among Us

Theresa is one of the twelve jurors who have to decide about a case of assassination. She believes very strongly in the innocence of the young man, but can't convince the others. During the discussions, she realizes that one member of the jury knows details that he couldn't know from the trial alone. Since no one believes her suspicions, she invest..

Nataly Fish

Jack Reed: A Killer Among Us

Jack Reed: A Killer Among Us

Jack Reed is sent to investigate a strange drive-by shooting which doesn't resemble a gang M.O..

Nataly Fish

Evil Among Us: The Golden State Killer

Evil Among Us: The Golden State Killer

To the world, Joe DeAngelo was a devoted family man, reliable friend and proud police officer. But secretly, he was a serial rapist and murderer who haunted California for over 40 years.

Nataly Fish

The Killer Is Still Among Us

The Killer Is Still Among Us

Un psychopathe assassine de manière particulièrement sadique de jeunes couples en suivant toujours le même rituel. Après avoir tué l'homme, il s'acharne sur le corps de la femme qu'il mutile à l'aide d'un couteau. Cristiana, une jeune étudiante en criminologie qui prépare une thèse sur ces crimes atroces, mène l'enquête.

Nataly Fish

The Killer Walks Among Us

The Killer Walks Among Us

A parking lot is haunted by the spirit of a dead killer who waits for the perfect moment to unleash spooks and thrills. Who will be next?

Nataly Fish

The Serial Killer Among Us: Phillip Jablonski

The Serial Killer Among Us: Phillip Jablonski

When dead bodies show up across California in 1991, investigators realise they are dealing with a twisted serial killer. Audio tapes and interviews with the victims’ loved ones reveal the shocking details of these chilling murders.

Nataly Fish

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