
Karate Wars

Karate Wars

Karate Wars is an all or nothing tournament where the prize is honor, self respect and a million dollars. Karate master Oyama, trains his loyal students in the ancient, mystical arts of Kung Fu. His top student Jason is faced with the challenge of fighting his hated rival in a fight to the finish. Oyama's students train vigorously in the secret Chi..

Nataly Fish

Karaté Warrior

Karaté Warrior

En provenance de Boston, Anthony Scott, 15 ans, arrive à Manille pour y retrouver son père journaliste. Là, il rencontre Maria, jeune fille dont les parents sont soumis à un odieux chantage par Quino, ancien disciple du grand Maître des Arts martiaux, Kimura. Anthony et Quino en vienne inévitablement à s'affronter et Anthony est sauvé in ex..

Nataly Fish

Karate Warriors

Karate Warriors

Sakata protège un petit garçon tout en faisant face à des gangs rivaux.

Nataly Fish

Karate Wars

Karate Wars

Maki travels from Japan to Hong Kong and Thailand in order to show the superiority of Japanese karate to those countries' native to martial arts.

Nataly Fish

Karate Warrior 2

Karate Warrior 2

After studying martial arts in the Philippines and defeating his opponent Quino, Anthony Scott heads back to the U.S. to attend college. Making the promise to his teacher that he will not fight, Anthony finds himself the target of the Tigers, a local martial arts gang led by bully Dick. When Dick constantly attempts to fight Anthony, Anthony refuse..

Nataly Fish

Karate Warrior 6

Karate Warrior 6

The danger of any movie series that spans several sequels is that you've got a lot of backstory to catch people up on who might not have seen or remembered what happened in the previous outings. For instance, what happened in the first five Karate Warrior movies? This dude acquired a super powered punch that allowed him to beat up a cow. What now? ..

Nataly Fish

Karate Warrior 3

Karate Warrior 3

Nataly Fish

Karate Warrior 4

Karate Warrior 4

Nataly Fish

Karate Warrior 5

Karate Warrior 5

Nataly Fish

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