


Tom Harris est un agent secret de la CIA infiltré au Moyen-Orient. Une fuite des renseignements révèle son identité alors qu’il est en mission. Coincés au cœur d’un territoire hostile, Harris et son interprète afghan Kahil, doivent se frayer un chemin hors du désert jusqu’à Kandahar, leur point d’exfiltration, tout en échappant au..

Nataly Fish



Après avoir reçu une lettre suicidaire de sa sœur, Nafas, une réfugiée afghane au Canada décide de se rendre à Kandahar pour lui venir en aide. Parce qu'elle est journaliste, elle doit entrer en Afghanistan clandestinement et parcourir rapidement son chemin à pied pour retrouver sa pauvre sœur. En route, elle rencontre plusieurs personnes ..

Nataly Fish

Otages à Kandahar

Otages à Kandahar

En août 1994, un avion russe de ravitaillement faisant route vers Kaboul est contraint par les talibans de se poser à Kandahar. Accusés de transporter des armes, les six membres de l’équipage sont emprisonnés. Leur détention durera près d’un an…

Nataly Fish

The Brigand of Kandahar

The Brigand of Kandahar

1880. British India. Robert Case, a half-caste lieutenant, is unjustly discharged from the British Army. He joins the rebel Bengali tribesmen offensive against the colonial enemy. They capture a foreign journalist and Case recounts his story of false accusation on trumped-up charges, instigated by the bigotry and racism of his commanding officers. ..

Nataly Fish

Kandahar Break

Kandahar Break

En 1999, un ingénieur britannique en déminage travaillant pour le gouvernement taliban en Afghanistan doit fuir le pays lorsqu'il se retrouve mêlé à un jeu meurtrier d'intrigues et de trahisons.

Nataly Fish



Another mission with Mahadevan and crew, as they deal with international terrorism with a flight being hijacked by hardcore terrorists.

Nataly Fish

The Return to Kandahar

The Return to Kandahar

Nelofer Pazira, the star of the movie 'Kandahar,' returns to Afghanistan to seek out her childhood friend Dyana, whose story inspired that film. Landing in Kabul 13 years after her family left Russian-occupied Afghanistan, Nelofer unravels her past and the history of her country while searching for Dyana; the epic journey takes her to Kabul, Kandah..

Nataly Fish

Kandahar Journals

Kandahar Journals

Kandahar, Afghanistan, April 2006. Photojournalist Louie Palu, who is covering a suicide bombing, suddenly finds himself in the middle of a pile of corpses, shocked by the smell of burning flesh. Louie does not yet know that he will spend the next five years documenting the tragedy of war.

Nataly Fish

A Kandahar Away

A Kandahar Away

In 1991, a refugee arrived in Canada with his wife and five children, having fled his home in Kandahar, Afghanistan. Decades later, upon discovering the dwindling hamlet of Kandahar, Saskatchewan, he felt an immediate connection that needed to be explored. Abdul Bari Jamal's impulsive purchase of eight empty lots in the middle of the Canadian Prair..

Nataly Fish

On the Road to Kandahar

On the Road to Kandahar

One of Rimmer's early 2000s video works which he made by hand-painting 35mm film, running it on a flatbed viewer, and shooting it off the screen with a video camera to then subject it to further manipulation.

Nataly Fish

Good Morning Kandahar

Good Morning Kandahar

Ariel Nasr's documentary gives voice to the complex dilemmas faced by contemporary Afghanis under Canadian intervention. The film introduces us to young Afghan-Canadians torn between a deep desire to help Afghanistan and a fear that things will never change. Good Morning Kandahar asks whether Canada's mission in Afghanistan is failing.

Nataly Fish

Scorched by Kandahar

Scorched by Kandahar

Nataly Fish

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