


Quand son père est assassiné par le cruel Tsunejiro, la jeune Jojima Orin se retrouve seule au monde. Elle est adoptée par la famille Kosuji, qui tient d'un grand restaurant et retrouve peu à peu le sourire jusqu'à ce qu'elle rencontre le meurtrier de son père...

Nataly Fish

Brumes de Chaleur

Brumes de Chaleur

Au début de l'ère Showa en 1926, les relations complexes entre le dramaturge Matsuzaki, la très belle Shinako, son client Tamawaki, et Ine, qui prétend être la femme de Tamawaki, mais dont il apprend qu'elle vient de mourir.

Nataly Fish

Kagerô 3

Kagerô 3

The third series of action series depicting the success of a woman torpedo who was caught in two groups of conflicts at a small port town in the Seto Inland Sea.

Nataly Fish

Kagerou Daze: In a Day's

Kagerou Daze: In a Day's

Shintarou Kisaragi—a NEET who shut himself inside his room for 2 years—has been living his life normally until he met a cyber girl named Ene, who appeared in his computer screen when someone anonymously sent him a mysterious e-mail one year ago. One day, Ene had been messing with Shintaro's PC, which causes him have to go to the outside world f..

Nataly Fish

Kagerō 4

Kagerō 4

In the Tosa in the early Showa era, the fourth series of Tempo active series that depicts the activity of the woman trainer involved in the conflict of two pairs of confrontation yakuza.

Nataly Fish

Kagerô 2

Kagerô 2

An entertainment drama depicting the conflict of yakuza, centering on the female torso and her sister's feud.

Nataly Fish

Heat Wave Island

Heat Wave Island

Otowa is a former Seto Inland Sea island farmer who has moved to the mainland in order to find work, but instead ends up dead. The film begins with the discovery of her corpse, which leads to an investigation that uncovers the narcotics, prostitution, and murder in which many poor farmers had found themselves trapped after World War II.

Nataly Fish

The Phantom Samurai

The Phantom Samurai

Nataly Fish

Gambler and the Princess

Gambler and the Princess

Film directed by Kenji Misumi.

Nataly Fish

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