


A Prague, en 1919, Kafka mène une double vie : simple employé le jour, écrivain la nuit, c'est un solitaire. Quand un jour on retrouve le corps noyé de son meilleur ami, il entreprend de retrouver les meurtriers, pénétrant dans un monde marginal, dangereux et mystérieux...

Nataly Fish



Against a set which has been designed in a Kafkaesque and claustrophobic way, Rybczynski has recreated a World of Kafka which corresponds well with Kafka's maze-like novels. It is an abstract and unpredictable world where Kafka himself moves between the scenes of his own stories, from America via The Castle to Metamorphosis, and The Trial is of cou..

Nataly Fish

Kafka, cet inconnu illustre

Kafka, cet inconnu illustre

Il y a cent ans, le 3 juin 1924, mourait Franz Kafka. S’attachant en fil rouge à l’élaboration de son roman inachevé « Le Château », ce portrait déconstruit les idées reçues sur la personnalité du romancier, devenu une icône de la littérature du XXᵉ siècle.

Nataly Fish

Un médecin de campagne, de Kafka

Un médecin de campagne, de Kafka

Un docteur préoccupé par des problèmes personnels se rend au chevet d'un malade dans la nuit en pleine campagne…

Nataly Fish

Le Rêve de Kafka

Le Rêve de Kafka

"Pauvre de moi. Deux plaques sont vissées sur mes tempes", pensa Franz en fermant les yeux. Un abysse obscur, la cour folle, la sentence sur le point de tomber dans une forme d'insomnie interminable.

Nataly Fish

Kafka, le dernier procès

Kafka, le dernier procès

Une enquête internationale qui commence par suivre la route tortueuse des manuscrits de Franz Kafka jusqu'à un appartement de Tel Aviv et se poursuit dans un voyage à travers le monde, en essayant de résoudre l'énigme d'un génie littéraire.

Nataly Fish

Franz  Kafka

Franz Kafka

A fantasy biography of Franz Kafka, bringing to life the writer's diaries and photographs.

Nataly Fish

Kafka Goes to the Movies

Kafka Goes to the Movies

While working on a television movie project about Franz Kafka, German actor Hanns Zischler discovered a series of passionate writings in Kafka's journals about his own moviegoing. Zischler, who also wrote a book of the same title, spent the next twenty-five years combing through archives and libraries to locate many of the now-extinct films cited b..

Nataly Fish

Kafka Ganja Maniacs

Kafka Ganja Maniacs

Cinq étudiants doivent rédiger un devoir sur une nouvelle de Kafka. Portés par l'inspiration, ils se lancent dans un road trip pour réaliser un film à la place.

Nataly Fish

Franz Kafka's It's a Wonderful Life

Franz Kafka's It's a Wonderful Life

Franz Kafka has been stricken with a serious case of writer's block on Christmas Eve. He's trying to get started on his latest short story, "The Metamorphosis", but he isn't sure what his protagonist Gregor Samsa should become. As Kafka struggles with indecision, he has to contend with a loud holiday party downstairs, several unexpected guests, and..

Nataly Fish

The Loves of Kafka

The Loves of Kafka

A movie director from Argentine travels to Prague to make a film about Franz Kafka and Milena Jesenská.

Nataly Fish

Jean-Marie Straub and Danièle Huillet at Work on a Film Based on Franz Kafka’s Amerika

Jean-Marie Straub and Danièle Huillet at Work on a Film Based on Franz Kafka’s Amerika

This film is at once a self-portrait and an homage to Jean-Marie Straub, Farocki's role model and former teacher at the Film Academy.

Nataly Fish

Le tombeau de Kafka

Le tombeau de Kafka

“You do not need to leave your room. Remain sitting at your table and listen. Do not even listen, simply wait. Do not even wait, be quiet still and solitary. The world will freely offer itself to you to be unmasked, it has no choice, it will roll in ecstasy at your feet” Franz Kafka

Nataly Fish

The Metamorphosis of Franz Kafka

The Metamorphosis of Franz Kafka

Free adaptation based on Kafka's "The Metamorphosis". The action is in Praga occupied by Germans, at home of a Jew family (maybe the Kafka's). Novel's room of Gregor Samsa is replaced by an enormous library.

Nataly Fish

À la recherche de Kafka

À la recherche de Kafka

Three short stories in the Paris of the 2000s. Characters lead a banal existence that suddenly turns upside down. Like a modern-day Buster Keaton, they are looking for a bit of tranquility and stability in a cynical and absurd world where surviving is a feat and no one is really who they think they are.

Nataly Fish

Kafka's Dream

Kafka's Dream

Kafka watches a waitress nibbling from a little pot that she has to serve to somebody. Kafka is outraged and complains about it. The girl gets sentenced to stoning and he complains again and regrets what he has done befoe. When he is not able to stop people throwing stones at her, he committs suicide. However, people help the girl to get up and she..

Nataly Fish

Kafka's Doll

Kafka's Doll

When an ill Kafka meets a crying little girl in the park, he sets out to write her a letter a day in order to tell her all about her lost doll's fictitious travels.

Nataly Fish

Franz Kafka - Writer between the Worlds

Franz Kafka - Writer between the Worlds

During his lifetime, he commanded the burning of his complete stock of works, letters and writings after his passing away. Fortunately, his publisher and friend didn't carry out his wish and has in this way saved a crucial piece of world literature. But who really was the graduate lawyer Franz Kafka? The TV documentary reveals that his narratives ..

Nataly Fish

Kafka: Proces

Kafka: Proces

Nataly Fish

Kafka’s Collection of Porn

Kafka’s Collection of Porn

An episodic, animated biopic of Kafka, inspired by rumors of his collection of pornography. He writes - masturbates - dies. And within him we discover ourselves.

Nataly Fish

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