


Japon, année 2000. Un groupe d'enfants découvre dans les bois un petit robot répondant au nom de Tetra. Petit à petit, ils s'aperçoivent que celui-ci vient du futur avec pour mission de protéger la Terre d'une invasion alien. Mais que peuvent faire un robot de quelques centimètres et des enfants face à une horde de vaisseaux spatiaux ?

Nataly Fish

Big Bang Love, Juvenile A

Big Bang Love, Juvenile A

Jun qui travaille dans un bar homosexuel est harcelé sexuellement par un client qu'il finit par tuer. N'exprimant aucun remord, il est envoyé en prison où il va faire la connaissance de Shiro, un jeune détenu aux tatouages étranges et au regard pénétrant...

Nataly Fish

Juvenile Court

Juvenile Court

L'avocat Gary Franklin, frustré de ne pouvoir sauver le criminel hollandais Dutch Adams d'une condamnation à mort en accusant les taudis d'être à l'origine des crimes commis par Dutch, demande l'aide de sa soeur, Marcia Adams, afin de faire un appel de fonds publics aux habitants des taudis dans le but de fournir des lieux de loisirs à leurs ..

Nataly Fish

Délinquant juvénile

Délinquant juvénile

Ji-gu, 16 ans, vit seul avec son grand-père malade, dont il prend soin tout en traînant avec les adolescents désoeuvrés de son quartier. Après une ultime effraction, Ji-gu est finalement envoyé en centre de détention pour mineurs. Un jour, il apprend que sa mère, qui l’a abandonné après l’avoir mis au monde à l’âge de 17 ans, l’..

Nataly Fish

Passions juvéniles

Passions juvéniles

Deux frères se disputent les faveurs amoureuses d'une jeune femme au cours d'un été balnéaire de jeu, de canotage et de boisson.

Nataly Fish

Juvenile Drive

Juvenile Drive

When a kid is overwhelmed by various tasks in his life, he ultimately forgets that his school is going on a trip to Utah. Thus more tasks being thrown at him. Whatever will he do!?

Nataly Fish

Riot in Juvenile Prison

Riot in Juvenile Prison

When the shootings of two juvenile inmates bring public protest, a psychologist is brought in to see if he can do anything to control the problems peacefully.

Nataly Fish

Juvenile Delinquents

Juvenile Delinquents

Broken teens facing incarceration for a crime they were forced to commit decide not to accept their destitute destiny and go about making a new one by forcing redemption onto bad people. The Juvenile Delinquents form a new dysfunctional family as they maneuver around problems manifesting from their youth, competitiveness, irrationality, and the gru..

Nataly Fish

Juvenile Liaison

Juvenile Liaison

Juvenile Liaison is about the day-to-day assignments of the juvenile liaison section of the Blackburn, Lancashire police force. The documentary provides a captivating snapshot of how juvenile offenders were dealt with in the '70s.

Nataly Fish



Juvenile is about two teenagers lived two different lives in Honiara, Solomon Islands. A film that portrays family, friendship and bad choices that needed a system to help Henry and Jimmy get back on knees.

Nataly Fish



This 11 minute short distributed by Future Shorts tells the story of a single parent father with a teenage daughter and the day she brings home her new boyfriend. The film explores the emotional tensions of a father not wanting his little girl to grow up, and conversely an adult behaving like a child to get his own way.

Nataly Fish



A year within the walls of a juvenile correction facility in Serbia.

Nataly Fish



Two young cousins, Louis and Felix, see their friendship turn into an unhealthy rivalry when they are confronted with the toxic behavior of complete strangers.

Nataly Fish



On his bike, Titouan is jealous of his older brother, Quentin, who has his own motorbike. Like him, he would like to win the esteem of a motorcycle gang, participate in underground races and have a girlfriend. The sibling rivalry that opposes them will lead Titouan to live a tragic experience.

Nataly Fish

A Juvenile Love Affair

A Juvenile Love Affair

Two little children, who think themselves very much in love with each other, imbued with the ideas of their elders, plan a romantic marriage. Alvin Strong, the boy, confides his intentions to the family's servant, Jaspar. Alvin arranges with Jane, his sweetheart, to elope in the usual way, through a window, with the assistance of a ladder.

Nataly Fish

Juvenile Jungle

Juvenile Jungle

Planned kidnapping goes awry when gang leader falls for the victim.

Nataly Fish

Juvenile Court

Juvenile Court

Wiseman nous plonge dans le quotidien du tribunal pour enfants de Memphis, où de nombreuses affaires, variées et complexes, sont jugées dans l’espoir d’offrir un avenir meilleur à ces enfants.

Nataly Fish

Juvenile Justice

Juvenile Justice

Bollywood 1988.

Nataly Fish

A Juvenile Scientist

A Juvenile Scientist

Punished for mistreating the family pets, a young boy uses his chemistry set to wreak revenge on his parents.

Nataly Fish

Juvenile Liaison 2

Juvenile Liaison 2

Nick Bloomfield's sequel documentary reacquaints us with the lives of the children and officers and examines the scars left by the stark events of Part I.

Nataly Fish

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