
Terrorist Commando

Terrorist Commando

Because a United States Ambassador to a "Central American" country is kidnapped by rebels, U.S. military personnel will be deployed to the nation unless former Vietnam veteran and jungle fighter Steve Parrish (Ron Marchini) can effect a rescue of the official.

Nataly Fish

Return Fire: Jungle Wolf II

Return Fire: Jungle Wolf II

Steve Parrish returns home to the San Francisco area after his many travails fighting in Central America and all he wants to do is see his young son Zak. However, gang boss Petroli has it out for Parrish and he sends all the baldest, fattest, oldest goons after Parrish to exterminate him. But Parrish is one...clever...man. Somehow they manage to ki..

Nataly Fish

Karate Raider

Karate Raider

Jake Turner is back on a rescue mission to liberate an attractive female Drug Enforcement officer captured and held prisoner by an American drug lord in the jungles of Colombia.

Nataly Fish

La Compagnie des loups

La Compagnie des loups

A la suite des récits que lui fait sa grand-mère sur d'étranges légendes, la jeune Rosaleen fait d'étranges rêves, peuplés de loups-garous. Selon les recommandations de son aïeule, elle doit éviter à tout prix de fréquenter les hommes dont les sourcils se touchent, signe d'appartenance aux loups-garous.

Nataly Fish

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