


In school, 9-year old Julian gets into trouble for squealing a bully and therefore disturbing class.

Nataly Fish



Julian, an 18 years old young man, discovers for the firts time what love is. He is betrayed, learns to betray, to abandon and to love. We see his love life though three chapters: from the innocence of love to the abandonment of his daughter.

Nataly Fish



Mexican feature film

Nataly Fish



Julian is a short film about a girl named Anna who is struggling with moving on from an abusive relationship. She enters in a therapy program where she does therapeutic exercises to confront the past and move forward.

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish



A teddy bears life - from home to beheading.

Nataly Fish



A reconciliation brunch goes awry when someone ​brings an unexpected guest.

Nataly Fish



Julian is an experimental biographical piece about two men – Julian and Antonio – who disconnected themselves from the anxious city, and allowed their spirits to be taken by nature. It is a slightly voyeuristic love letter about and to Julian – the Swiss man whom the narrator has briefly met in London and, shortly after, invited to a road-tri..

Nataly Fish



The wide-eyed Julián spends a summer of discovery in NYC with his Abuela. Nearly strangers, they brace themselves for tense conversations and new adventures. The colourful chaos of Abuela’s world, and the stories she tells him, awakens something within Julián... questions about who he is and who he could be. Julián’s journey will reach acros..

Nataly Fish

Underground : L'Histoire de Julian Assange

Underground : L'Histoire de Julian Assange

En 1989, sous le pseudonyme de «Mendax», Julian Assange fonde avec deux amis un groupe de pirates informatiques. Avec le matériel de l'époque, ils se spécialisent dans l'espionnage de données, se contentant d'observer sans détruire ni voler. Ils parviennent à récupérer des données dans les plus protégées des organisations gouvernementa..

Nataly Fish

Maple and Juliana

Maple and Juliana

A girl is transformed into a maple tree by her impulsive and angry mother. Three poor wandering musicians come by the tree and create instruments from it. Walking around the country instead of happiness they bring death everywhere with their cursed instruments. However they cannot get rid of them, unless they bury the wooden instruments at the plac..

Nataly Fish

Hacking Justice - Julian Assange

Hacking Justice - Julian Assange

Voici l’histoire glorieuse et bouleversante de Julian Assange et de sa traque menée par les États-Unis et leurs vassaux dans une nouvelle version de l’éternel combat de Spartacus contre l’Empire. Suivant pas à pas la défense du fondateur de WikiLeaks, coordonnée par l’avocat espagnol Baltasar Garzón, mondialement connu pour av..

Nataly Fish

Adventures of Juliancito

Adventures of Juliancito

Adaptation of the adventures of Tom Sawyer, played by actor Juliancito Bravo.

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Wikileaks – USA against Julian Assange

Wikileaks – USA against Julian Assange

The film tells the story of the rise and fall of Julian Assange. Once a celebrated publicist and over the years decried as an eccentric, spy and rapist. The documentary shows a differentiated picture of Julian Assange and Wikileaks. For the first time in German television Assange’s fiancée gives an interview. Further interviews, amongst others, ..

Nataly Fish

Julian Assange, le prix de la vérité

Julian Assange, le prix de la vérité

En 2021, un homme pourrait passer le restant de ses jours en prison pour avoir révélé l’existence d’un crime de guerre. Le gouvernement américain demande l’extradition de Julian Assange. Il est sous le coup d’une sentence de 175 ans pour espionnage et pourrait ainsi ne plus jamais revoir la lumière du jour. Par ses méthodes, WikiLeaks..

Nataly Fish

Les Ailes de l'espoir

Les Ailes de l'espoir

En 1971, un avion avec 92 passagers à bord disparaît dans la jungle péruvienne sans laisser de traces. Douze jours plus tard, Juliane Koepcke, une jeune fille de 17 ans, réapparaît. Werner Herzog, qui devait prendre ce même vol, ce jour-là, rencontre cette seule survivante et, ensemble, ils refont le trajet de la jeune fille à travers la ju..

Nataly Fish

Juliana at the Cinematheque

Juliana at the Cinematheque

Juliana works in a film archive. Busy with the restoration of the pieces, she copes with decay and the constants dilemmas that's involved in film preservation.

Nataly Fish

Juliano Cezar Ao Vivo

Juliano Cezar Ao Vivo

Juliano Cesar (Passos, April 29, 1960) is a singer, songwriter and Brazilian presenter. He began his career in 1985, after being pedestrian rodeos and farmer. The interior of Minas Gerais, Julian spent his nest-egg on his first album independently, which featured his performance in reworkings of hits and Chitãozinho Xororó and Millionaire and Jo..

Nataly Fish

Wikileaks: Public enemy Julian Assange

Wikileaks: Public enemy Julian Assange

Public enemy Julian Assange

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The Legend Of Julian Makabayan

The Legend Of Julian Makabayan

Celso Ad. Castillo's film about villagers retelling the story of their hero and the revolt he waged in the countryside.

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