
Jeanne d'Arc

Jeanne d'Arc

L'épopée de Jeanne qui assista, petite fille, au pillage de son village Domrémy par l'armée anglaise. On la suit de sa jeunesse pieuse où des voix l'engagent à délivrer la France de la domination anglaise à sa victoire à Orléans, jusqu'à son procès final et sa mort sur le bûcher, le 30 mai 1431. Elle avait 19 ans.

Nataly Fish

Jeanne d'Arc

Jeanne d'Arc

L'épopée de Jeanne d'Arc, qui reçut l'ordre divin de délivrer son pays de l'envahisseur anglais.

Nataly Fish

La Passion de Jeanne d'Arc

La Passion de Jeanne d'Arc

Le procès de Jeanne d'Arc, au terme duquel elle fut brûlée sur le bûcher.

Nataly Fish

Joan of Arc

Joan of Arc

Could a nineteen-year-old girl change the course of history simply by faith? From ordinary farm girl to extraordinary hero, the life of Joan of Arc was one of conviction and courage. Fifteenth-century France was devastated by an ongoing war in which women did not fight. Yet Joan heeded the counsel of angels and transformed into a military leader, s..

Nataly Fish

Joan of Arc

Joan of Arc

The story of Joan of Arc as applied to the present revolution in arts and more. The Gothic is applied to the War in Vietnam. The film is experimental in the sense that in it the visual becomes tactile.

Nataly Fish

Joan of Arc

Joan of Arc

In 1425, France needed a miracle. What it got was a warrior. This is the true story of a peasant girl who emerged to lead an army and change the course of history. This is a docudrama portrait of a legendary heroine's story as seen through her own eyes, based on her own testimony. Discover one woman's journey to free her nation, and inspire the wor..

Nataly Fish

Joan of Arc

Joan of Arc

Joan's first triumph in battle against the English has her quesioning her faith as a result of the blood shed on both sides that day.

Nataly Fish

Procès de Jeanne d'Arc

Procès de Jeanne d'Arc

Rouen, Normandie, 1431, pendant la guerre de Cent Ans. Après avoir été capturée par des soldats français d'une faction opposée, Jeanne d'Arc, la Pucelle d'Orléans, est injustement jugée par un tribunal ecclésiastique supervisé par ses ennemis anglais.

Nataly Fish

Regarding the Case of Joan of Arc

Regarding the Case of Joan of Arc

A radical Christian terrorist in the United States claims to hear the voice of God commanding her to attack federal buildings.

Nataly Fish

Joan of Arc: God's Warrior

Joan of Arc: God's Warrior

Writer and historian Dr Helen Castor explores the life - and death - of Joan of Arc. Joan was an extraordinary figure - a female warrior in an age that believed women couldn't fight, let alone lead an army. But Joan was driven by faith and today, more than ever, we are acutely aware of the power of faith to drive actions for good or ill. Since her..

Nataly Fish

Jeanne d'Arc

Jeanne d'Arc

A divinely inspired peasant woman becomes an army captain for France and then is martyred after she is captured.

Nataly Fish



Année 1429. La guerre de Cent Ans fait rage. Jeanne, investie d’une mission guerriere et spirituelle, délivre la ville d’orlean et remet le Dauphin sur le trône de France. Elle part ensuite livrer bataille à Paris où elle subit sa première défaite. Emprisonnée à Compiègne par les Bourguignons, elle est livrée aux Anglais. S’ouvre a..

Nataly Fish

Your War (I'm One of You): 20 Years of Joan of Arc

Your War (I'm One of You): 20 Years of Joan of Arc

Your War (I'm One Of You) chronicles the life and career of Chicago's Tim Kinsella, frontman of ever-shifting band Joan of Arc and '90's pioneers Cap'n Jazz. With appearances from Tim's friends, family, and admirers, we learn what has made his legacy so unique and enduring for more than 20 years.

Nataly Fish

The Passion of Joan of Arc

The Passion of Joan of Arc

The story of "Joan of Arc" is one of the most frequently told tales in cinema's hundred plus year history. This brand new version is a post-mortem/post- modern collaboration between the Great Dane Carl Dreyer and Marie Losier, who inserts herself into the 1928 film as God's greatest lover and France's most cherished martyr. A funny tragedy.

Nataly Fish

Animated Hero Classics: Joan of Arc

Animated Hero Classics: Joan of Arc

As a young girl, Joan lived in the French countryside. One day, she heard voices from heaven talking to her. The voices told Joan that she was called to help fight for the freedom of France. They also told her that Prince Charles was to be anointed and crowned the rightful king of France. Joan went to see Prince Charles but the Prince said to send ..

Nataly Fish

The Mexican Joan of Arc

The Mexican Joan of Arc

Senor Talamantes and his sons, suspected of being insurgents, are arrested and, without trial, are sentenced to death by Colonel Cephis. The widow Talamantes vows to avenge the unjust death of her husband and her children by organizing a company of Indians and Mexicans with whom she joins the insurgents.

Nataly Fish

Animated Hero Classics: Joan of Arc

Animated Hero Classics: Joan of Arc

As a young girl, Joan lived in the French countryside. One day, she heard voices from heaven talking to her. The voices told Joan that she was called to help fight for the freedom of France. They also told her that Prince Charles was to be anointed and crowned the rightful king of France. Joan went to see Prince Charles but the Prince said to send ..

Nataly Fish

Jeannette, l'enfance de Jeanne d'Arc

Jeannette, l'enfance de Jeanne d'Arc

1425. Les royaumes de France et d'Angleterre s'opposent lors d'une guerre sans merci. Jeannette, petite bergère, vit à Domrémy, en Lorraine. Révoltée par les souffrances infligées à ses compatriotes, elle souhaite rencontrer Mme Gervaise, une jeune femme recluse dans un couvent, pour obtenir une réponse à la question qui la taraude : "Comm..

Nataly Fish

Joan of Arc on the Dancefloor

Joan of Arc on the Dancefloor

“imagine if Joan of Arc had a bunch of free cspan footage and managed to say nothing but also oh aly and aj are in it”

Nataly Fish

Jeanne d'Arc

Jeanne d'Arc

À la fin de la Guerre de Cent ans, la France va de défaites en défaites face aux Anglais. Seule la ville d’Orléans résiste, défendue par La Trémoille, Dunois, et d’Alençon. À Domrémy, en Lorraine, une jeune fille de 17 ans, Jeanne, entend la voix de l’archange Michel. Il lui dit d’aller retrouver le dauphin Charles pour le faire c..

Nataly Fish

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