
The Chaos Class in the Military

The Chaos Class in the Military

After the latest prank they pulled on Deli Bedri, the boys are sent to mandatory military service to learn discipline.

Nataly Fish

Pharos of Chaos

Pharos of Chaos

A superb, moving and thrilling interview with American actor Sterling Hayden (1916-86), held in Besançon, France, on board a dilapidated barge, when he was 65 years old. An unparalleled portrait, in his own words and without any qualms, of a legendary Hollywood star, icon of film noir and the western, who was also a marine, an OSS agent, an anti-c..

Nataly Fish

Sunset at Chaopraya

Sunset at Chaopraya

Angsumalin, the beautiful daughter of a military leader, says good-bye to her friend Vanus, who is going to England to study. She won't promise to marry him, but will give him an answer when he returns. The Japanese invade, and circumstances bring Angsumalin together with Kobori, an idealistic Japanese captain, who is also related to a powerful Jap..

Nataly Fish

The Class of Chaos 3,5

The Class of Chaos 3,5

Winter break has arrived. While the Chaos Class seems no closer to eventually graduating, Deli Bedri comes up with an elaborate plan to scare them away from the school so that he can finally find some peace.

Nataly Fish

Sunset at Chaopraya

Sunset at Chaopraya

The story of endless love is set amidst the fiercest conflict this world has ever known – World War II. As war is about to break out in Europe, Vanus is on his way to England to join the Free Thai movement. He hopes to receive a definite promise from Angsumalin that she will marry him after the war.

Nataly Fish

Le Petit Chaos

Le Petit Chaos

Trois amis rançonnent une femme dans son appartement.

Nataly Fish

Sunset at Chaophraya 2

Sunset at Chaophraya 2

Koburi the Japanese Army Officer portrayed in Sunset at Chaopraya's earlier films dies and the film then goes on to the future of his child and his life which leads to be a leader in the 1973 student riots in Thailand which turned into a massacre.

Nataly Fish

Legend of Crystania: The Chaos Ring

Legend of Crystania: The Chaos Ring

Dreams begin to haunt Lady Sheru—dreams of her past life as Pirotesse. Her love, Ashram, is being tormented at the hands of the soul of Barbas posing as their former king, Beld of Marmo. Interpreting this as a plea for help, Sheru searches for a way to save him by entering the chaos realm using the Chaos Ring. Meanwhile, Redon and his friends are..

Nataly Fish

Deadly Chaos: Empire of Monkeys

Deadly Chaos: Empire of Monkeys

One day, corpses fall from the sky like a torrential rain. DEATH (The Crazy SKB), a man who has fallen among the corpses, gathers together with Matilda, a woman with no legs, Linda, a woman with one leg missing, and a killer for "a plan". The plan was a punk plan that no one could imagine. A man with cerebral palsy decides to commit indiscriminate ..

Nataly Fish

Les Pieds dans le tapis

Les Pieds dans le tapis

Dans un Téhéran au bord de l'asphyxie, Morteza, fils d'un marchand de tapis du Grand Bazar, se débat entre une femme aux airs de princesse, une mère autoritaire, d'exigeants clients chinois et les ouvriers en grève de son père, officiellement parti en Corée pour des bains de boue. Quand il apprend avec stupéfaction que ce dernier vient en f..

Nataly Fish

Drifting into Chaos

Drifting into Chaos

Suivies par deux mecs dans un van, deux filles se retrouvent dans une maison de campagne isolée. Ensuite, elles sont obligés de dîner avec un grand-père pervers en fauteuil roulant.

Nataly Fish

Mauricio Meirelles: Generating Chaos

Mauricio Meirelles: Generating Chaos

He's mid-30s going on 79, with scathingly funny views on fatherhood, marriage and society. Let Maurício Meirelles give you a tour of his chaotic mind.

Nataly Fish

Spring and Chaos

Spring and Chaos

Ce film est une biographie du poète Kenji Miyazawa (1896-1933). Professeur atypique aux yeux de ses élèves, il les pousse à réfléchir à l'immensément grand et à l'infiniment petit. On accompagne Kenji dans ses réflexions, ses hallucinations, et ses recherches d'une source de vie qui guiderait le monde...

Nataly Fish

Dream Monster Chao

Dream Monster Chao

One day, a mysterious dream monster named Chao suddenly appears in front of a young man, Kanata Harushina (Haruka Kanata), to help Kanata make his dream come true, and to become a treasure hunter. Dreamy Kanata immediately takes Chao to find Kinokuniya Bunzaemon's hidden treasure, where a great obstacle awaits. Will Chao be able to make Kanata's d..

Nataly Fish

La Turbulence des fluides

La Turbulence des fluides

Pour Alice, une sismologue exilée au Japon, la probabilité de retourner un jour au Canada était faible. Pourtant, lorsqu'un étrange phénomène se produit dans un petit village côtier de l'estuaire du Saint-Laurent, c'est elle qui est désignée. A Baie-Comeau, la marée a tout simplement disparu. Rationnelle, la jeune femme mène son enquête..

Nataly Fish

Le Carrefour des enfants perdus

Le Carrefour des enfants perdus

Trois hommes, qui se sont liés d'amitié durant la drôle de guerre et qui se retrouvent démobilisés en 1940, décident de s'occuper des jeunes délinquants. Ils ouvrent un centre d'éducation, le "Carrefour" et tentent de réinsérer ces enfants perdus. Mais l'un d'entre eux, Joris, se montre fortement indiscipliné et met en danger leur projet..

Nataly Fish

The Chaos She Left Behind

The Chaos She Left Behind

Anna, in her late twenties, feels like her life is sliding away from her hands. A ticket to a music school in Paris might be the last chance to pursue her dream unless her manipulative, self-destructive alcoholic father stands in her way.

Nataly Fish

The Chaos Class Again

The Chaos Class Again

A private boy's school opts to become mixed, and male students must adjust to the presence of new female students.

Nataly Fish

Chaowa Pawa

Chaowa Pawa

Rajat, a young man, meets Manju, a rich girl whose father is looking for her. Though Rajat initially slyly tells her father her whereabouts, he lands up falling in love with her.

Nataly Fish

Le Thaumaturge chinois

Le Thaumaturge chinois

A Chinese conjurer stands next to a table, it becomes two tables. A fan becomes a parasol, lanterns appear and disappear. The conjurer spins the open parasol in front of himself, and a dog leaps out from behind it. The dog becomes a woman, then a masked man appears. The conjurer sits them each on a box a few feet apart: suddenly the woman and man h..

Nataly Fish

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