
Kong : Skull Island

Kong : Skull Island

Un groupe d'explorateurs plus différents les uns que les autres s'aventurent au cœur d'une île inconnue du Pacifique, aussi belle que dangereuse. Ils ne savent pas encore qu'ils viennent de pénétrer sur le territoire de Kong…

Nataly Fish

The Island

The Island

Au milieu du XXIe siècle. Lincoln Six Echo et Jordan Two Delta vivent dans une colonie humaine préservée de la mystérieuse catastrophe qui a ravagé la planète. Comme tous les autres colons, Lincoln souhaite échapper à cet univers stérile et surveillé pour gagner « l'Île », lieu mythique où règne la liberté.

Nataly Fish



Deeply damaged by being abandoned as a child and using fantasy as her only satisfaction, Nikki decides to track down her birth mother and take revenge. Based on the acclaimed novel by Jane Rogers.

Nataly Fish



In 2008, 24 year old Ryan Sullivan set out from his Nebraska hometown with Hollywood aspirations. Instead he found himself in San Francisco, "the cool gray city of love," making a documentary about a porn company.

Nataly Fish

Resident Evil : Death Island

Resident Evil : Death Island

A San Francisco, Jill Valentine doit faire face à une nouvelle épidémie de zombies. Tandis que Leon Kennedy est sur la piste d'un scientifique de la DARPA kidnappé, Claire Redfield traque un monstrueux poisson tueur de baleines. Rejoints par Chris Redfield et Rebecca Chambers, ils découvrent que leurs enquêtes respectives ont un point commun...

Nataly Fish

Nightmare Island

Nightmare Island

L’énigmatique M. Roarke donne vie aux rêves de ses chanceux invités dans un complexe hôtelier luxurieux et isolé. Mais quand leurs fantasmes les plus fous se transforment en véritables cauchemars, les invités n’ont d’autre choix que de résoudre les mystères de cette île pour en sortir vivants.

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish



Island features an island located at the southern-most point of South Korea, one small enough that it takes but an hour to traverse its circumference. On the island, there are two extremely contrasting atmospheres, from crowded hordes to hours of emptiness. This contrast emphasises its sense of place as an island, both geographically and psychologi..

Nataly Fish



Island is Paul Cox's serene and beautiful film which explores a spectrum of emotions - ranging from extreme passion to fear, leading to murder - from loneliness to sensuality. Three women from Australia, Sri Lanka, and Greece meet on a Greek island. All are exiles escaping from their own personal tragedies. Ultimately, it is the island itself, with..

Nataly Fish



A haunting, deeply moving documentary set among terminally ill cancer patients. The titular island of Steven Eastwood’s feature documentary is the Isle of Wight, where the filmmaker befriended a handful of individuals facing a terminal cancer diagnosis. Following them as they approach the end – through hospital appointments, time with family �..

Nataly Fish



Giving new meaning to the term “rhythms of nature,” a host of fanciful flora, fauna and geological formations go about their daily lives in this engaging and highly imaginative foray into the wilds of a strange and colorful world. Accompanied by hissing, wheezing, whistling and tweeting, the action takes on increasing urgency, ending in a surpr..

Nataly Fish



Rainbow glimpses after a stormy day on Kawagama Lake.

Nataly Fish



An immigrant in Italy, away from his family who struggles to reach them and survive in unknown. From the streets of Sicily.

Nataly Fish



Island (2008) is a 12-minute black-and-white video that surveys the distinctive terrain of Gotland, an island off the eastern coast of Sweden. Projected on a large wall in Vancouver, Island uses prolonged static shots to immerse the viewer in an austere landscape.

Nataly Fish



The film shows the most diverse branches of industry and public life, but the longest continuous section is from Reykjavík. Other chapters of the film are from all over the country, such as Mývatn, Siglufjörður during the herring fishing season and of the eruption at Hekla.

Nataly Fish



A maritime warden investigates an unauthorised presence on a private island

Nataly Fish



a short film by

Nataly Fish



On a deserted island lives a desperately lonely Cyclops. Time passes, the seasons too. One summer night, he discovers an egg from which a bird hatches. Very quickly a fusional relationship binds them, until summer came back ...

Nataly Fish



This recounts the history of a small, secluded island over the course of several millennia, to reveal a telling lesson about human nature.

Nataly Fish



A haunting, deeply moving documentary set among terminally ill cancer patients.

Nataly Fish

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