


Dishonorably discharged from the Army Air Corps, Brad Dunham (George Raft) disconsolately decides to try his luck with Shanghai's postwar black market. Teaming with the treacherous Tamara Baranoff (June Havoc), Dunham prospers in his newly-found illicit profession, much to the dismay of his best friend, reporter Mark Andrews (Tom Tully). When Tamar..

Nataly Fish



A spy is looking for his old colleague who now works for the other side.

Nataly Fish



"The film was shot and edited in the camera beneath the El at Brighton, Brooklyn a.k.a. 'Little Odessa.' The film is to be experienced for what it is and at the same time suggest a spectrum of incomprehensible inner emotions. The title suggests the motivation which culminates here."–Jim Jennings

Nataly Fish



A young couple’s already rocky marriage begins to fall apart when a mysterious man suddenly enters into the wife’s life.

Nataly Fish

Intrigue à Damas

Intrigue à Damas

En Syrie, en 1941, un journaliste américain et une femme agent secret enquêtent sur le meurtre mystérieux d'un reporter lié à un vaste complot nazi.

Nataly Fish

Intrigues en orient

Intrigues en orient

A Ankara, pendant la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, un agent américain, tente d'empêcher une alliance entre la Turquie et l'Allemagne.

Nataly Fish

Le narcisse jaune intrigue Scotland Yard

Le narcisse jaune intrigue Scotland Yard

Un inspecteur de Scotland Yard et son associé de la brigade des stupéfiants de Hong-Kong, enquêtent sur un mystérieux assassin qui sévit à Londres et laisse, à chacun de ses crimes, un narcisse jaune sur le cadavre de ses victimes.

Nataly Fish

Sexual Intrigue

Sexual Intrigue

Charlie Taylor gets a surprise release from jail after a year for a crime he denies committing. His songwriter girlfriend Randi is glad he's back and calls on an ex-boyfriend, Carl Olsen, to get Charlie a job. Carl, now a district attorney in the Malibu area, hooks Charlie up with Emma De Layle, the sultry wife of an ill but still-powerful rich man..

Nataly Fish

Le Vengeur

Le Vengeur

Ciao Lei est le seul survivant d’une tuerie de toute sa famille. Il a eu le temps, auparavant, de confier Qian Qian sa compagne, à son ami Chuan. Les responsables de ce massacre sont des mercenaires dirigés par Ting, une redoutable combattante. Elle l'épargne et tombe sous le charme de Ciao. Le jeune homme est cependant bien décidé à appren..

Nataly Fish

Intrigues sous les tropiques

Intrigues sous les tropiques

A smuggler (Dennis O'Keefe) buys a bride (Patricia Medina) in San Francisco to help him run guns in 1877 Tahiti.

Nataly Fish

L'Énigmatique monsieur D...

L'Énigmatique monsieur D...

En villégiature sur la Côte d'Azur, le riche homme d'affaires Victor Danemore décède subitement. Travaillant pour Danemore et présent au moment de sa mort, l'agent de publicité Dave est intrigué par le mystérieux passé de son ancien employeur. Il découvre que celui-ci était un maître-chanteur. En pleine guerre froide, il suit alors s..

Nataly Fish

Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Intrigue 1

Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Intrigue 1

The story focuses on the exploits of rivals Reinhard von Lohengramm and Yang Wen-li, as they rise to power and fame in the Galactic Empire and the Free Planets Alliance, respectively.

Nataly Fish

An Intrigue at the Court of Henry VIII

An Intrigue at the Court of Henry VIII

Henry VIII considers repudiating Catherine of Aragon. The ambitious Jane Seymour, lady-in-waiting to the queen, then saw the possibility of arriving at the throne.

Nataly Fish

Sinful Intrigue

Sinful Intrigue

A mysterious attacker is preying on the rich and decadent set in an elite community.

Nataly Fish

The Intrigue

The Intrigue

A sci-fi/espionage film in which world powers vie for control of a death ray during World War I as an undercover countess infiltrates enemy ranks to prevent them from getting their hands on the weapon.

Nataly Fish

Erotic Confessions: Intrigue

Erotic Confessions: Intrigue

"Erotic Confessions: Intrigue” Is 7 provocative experiences that will take you on a voyeuristic journey beyond all limits into the secret sensual fantasies and desires of one’s mind, body and soul. ELEVATION; BOSS'S ORDERS; GIFTS; FRIENDS & LOVERS; LESSONS; ARRESTING DEVELOPMENT; MESSY

Nataly Fish

Die Intriguen der Madame de la Pommeraye
Le Complot des clans

Le Complot des clans

Un combattant à l'identité secrète ayant volé un poison dans un célèbre palace, commet une série de meurtres qui font du bruit dans le Monde des Arts Martiaux. Accusé à tort, le célèbre Chu Liu-xiang, artiste martial aussi séduisant que redoutable, décide de mener l'enquête, aidé de ses trois charmantes assistantes, en promettant de ..

Nataly Fish

The Railroad Claim Intrigue

The Railroad Claim Intrigue

Barstow, a crook, conceives the idea of buying old automobiles, staging "accidents" with them, and settling with the railroad. At the Lone Point crossing one of his machines is hit by the train and the flagman is discharged because it appears that he has been negligent. Helen, the telegraph operatic, gets a day off and starts for the hills on horse..

Nataly Fish

Adventures in the Emerald City: The Intrigues of Old Mombi

Adventures in the Emerald City: The Intrigues of Old Mombi

The evil witch Mombi and the self-styled girl General Ginger have seized power in the Emerald City of Oz. The Scarecrow, along with his friends, disenchants the daughter of the last legitimate ruler of the Emerald City, Ozma, and fights for justice. And in this they are helped by the girl Dolly from Kansas, the good fairy Glinda and the scientist W..

Nataly Fish

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