
Into the Spiral

Into the Spiral

Nataly Fish

The Garden of Sinners, film 5 : Spirale contradictoire

The Garden of Sinners, film 5 : Spirale contradictoire

Une série de répétitions, un couple assassiné, une affaire étouffée. Shiki se rend sur les lieux du meurtre. elle y rencontre Tomoe Enjô, le meurtrier en cavale, qu’elle décide d’héberger. Shiki et Enjô, ces deux âmes esseulées se lient d’amitié et décident d’élucider le mystère autour du crime d’Enjô. Ils découvrent que..

Nataly Fish



Un jeune pathologiste se pose de nombreuses questions sur la mystérieuse mort d'un de ses amis disparu après avoir été en contact avec une cassette. Cette vidéo avait également causé le décès de la femme et du fils du défunt.

Nataly Fish

Doraemon: Nobita and the Spiral City

Doraemon: Nobita and the Spiral City

When Doraemon and Nobita win a tiny planet through a lottery, they make use of a screw to bring several toys to life and create a toy town.

Nataly Fish



Naoki Kazama est un excellent détective qui travaille pour l'agence Nemesis. Mais il n'est pas aussi parfait qu'il le semble car il a un secret.

Nataly Fish

A Chronicle in Spirals

A Chronicle in Spirals

After falling for an apartment scam, Ungbi sleeps more in the mornings. The landlord evicts Eunbin's theatre troupe. The demolition is scheduled for tomorrow. Two stories echo back to each other without fully sticking together. This film is an incomplete memory of the witness, a diary written on the traces of the past.

Nataly Fish

Caresses bourgeoises

Caresses bourgeoises

Lors d’une courte chasse, Valeria est tuée. Il n'y a aucun témoin oculaire mais son mari Fabrizio est soupçonné. Maria Teresa, amie de Valeria et cousine de Fabrizio veut aider ce dernier en faisant intervenir son mari Marcello, un avocat impuissant.

Nataly Fish

Miraculous Spiral

Miraculous Spiral

Fascinant hommage au désir d'immortalité de l'humanité, SPIRA MIRABILIS dresse un portrait des efforts déployés par l'homme pour dépasser ses propres limites. Les cinéastes Massimo D'Anolfi et Martina Parenti partagent leurs découvertes dans une symphonie visuelle, guidée par la force et l'harmonie des éléments naturels: l'eau, la terre,..

Nataly Fish



Tormented by strong doubts, a woman consults a famous local fortune teller and ends up finding much more than simple answers in the young gypsy girl's tent.

Nataly Fish



Un étrange touriste arrogant arrive au refuge de montagne Morskie Oko. Le lendemain matin, malgré le danger, il monte seul et commence la quête de lui-même.

Nataly Fish



Their men went to the North in search of their destiny, while they stayed.

Nataly Fish



Assis sur un banc, sous la pluie, au bord d'un lac, un homme attend et se souvient... Il se souvient d'une femme qu'il a rencontrée par hasard il y a un an et qui a changé le cours de sa vie...

Nataly Fish

Dans L’oeil de la Spirale

Dans L’oeil de la Spirale

The film captures the cultural and creative resilience of the Caribbean region through the eyes of Haiti's most prominent artists. Narrated by Annie Lennox, the film looks at these artists through the fascinating lens of Spiralism, a literary and aesthetic philosophy that has become increasingly significant throughout the world largely thanks to th..

Nataly Fish

Spiral of Silence

Spiral of Silence

Sebastián, a psychology student, is accused of being responsible for the suicide of his ex-partner. When he tries to prove his innocence, remorse prevents him from defending himself.

Nataly Fish

My Tutor Is Mine - Imperfect Spiral

My Tutor Is Mine - Imperfect Spiral

A female university student works as a tutor. She has a student who wants to become a doctor. This student has an older sister whom he lives with. The student is horny for his slim tutor. The tutor visits the student's home for the lessons. The student drugs his tutor with a home-made concoction that puts the woman to sleep. His plan for sex is int..

Nataly Fish

The Spiral

The Spiral

When I was a little girl, I saw a movie about space, where people of the future could treat painlessly without cuts. It became my dream, which my team and I were able to make true.

Nataly Fish

Spiral Staircase

Spiral Staircase

The film is an interpretation of everyday life and privacy as well as the first love-triangle story after 1945. Benkő Lajos, the country librarian, is stationed in the capital. In lack of a suitable apartment, his wife and children have to stay in the country.

Nataly Fish

La Spirale

La Spirale

Documentary on the events provoked by the systematic attack of imperialism on the Popular Unity government in Chile, presided by Salvador Allende.

Nataly Fish

Spiral Project

Spiral Project

A student is followed by an entity after reading a strange flyer on a bulletin board.

Nataly Fish

The Spiral Cage

The Spiral Cage

The Spiral Cage is a TV film about a girl finding her way to deal with her childhood trauma and obsession with heels associated with Tourette syndrome.

Nataly Fish

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